(6/26) As parents age and become more dependent on others for care, it can be challenging for them to maintain their sense of dignity. However, preserving dignity is incredibly important for a senior's quality of life and overall wellbeing. As an adult child, there are several things you can do to help ensure your elderly parent retains their dignity.
Respect Their Independence
Even as your parent's physical or cognitive abilities decline, it is important to allow them to do as much for themselves as possible. Don't take over tasks they can still manage, even if it's difficult for them. Offer assistance, but let them make their own decisions about what they need help with. Respect their wishes and don't force help on them if they say they don't need it. Maintaining independence preserves dignity.
Provide Privacy
Make sure your parent has privacy, both when you are caring for them and in their living environment. Knock before entering their room and avoid exposing private parts of their body unnecessarily when assisting with dressing, bathing, or toileting. If they require in-home care, set boundaries with caregivers to protect privacy. Living areas should also allow privacy, such as a door for the bedroom and bathroom.
Listen to Their Preferences
Have open discussions with your parent about their preferences for care as they age. What is important to them in maintaining dignity? Maybe they have cultural or religious beliefs around care that should be respected. They may have preferences about modesty, hygiene, appearance, routines and more. Listen carefully and make sure those wishes are followed.
Use Respectful Language
Always speak to your aging parent with the utmost respect. Avoid baby talk or using diminutive terms like "sweetie" or "hon." Speak to them as you would any other adult. Be patient in communication and avoid ignoring or patronizing them. If they are struggling cognitively, don't talk down to them. Remain patient and preserve their dignity through respectful communication.
Keep Them Looking Their Best
If your parent needs help with grooming and getting dressed, put extra care into keeping them looking their best on a daily basis. Make sure their hair is combed, their clothes are clean and well-fitting, their face is shaved or makeup applied as they like. Look for clothing with adaptive features to make dressing easier. Taking care in their appearance goes a long way in upholding dignity.
Involve Them in Care Decisions
When big care decisions need to be made, such as organizing home care in Herndon, VA, involve your parent as much as possible. Explain treatment options, living arrangements, and other choices in a way they can understand. Get their input and listen carefully to their wishes. They know best what will help them maintain dignity. Even if they can't make the final decision, involving them gives dignity.