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Speeding raises concerns for residents

(5/22) During both May town meetings, Walkersville commissioners have discussed potential solutions for speeding issues on Kenneth Drive. Located off Biggs Ford Road, the street contains an entrance to the Walkersville Community Park.

Residents of Kenneth Drive have expressed concern over speeding that consistently occurs and primarily seems to be perpetrated by visitors to the park. Patrick Isennock, who lives with his wife and two sons on Kenneth Drive, has attended town meetings regarding this issue and relayed feedback from residents.

"Talking to neighbors, I don’t think anybody has said that it’s not a problem," Isennock said at the May 25 meeting. "Everybody has said yes, it’s a problem and something needs to change."

Earlier in the month, the town moved its portable speed camera to Kenneth Drive, and data from the camera has shown a sharp decrease in speeding. However, there are still concerns about distracted driving, particularly at the gate to the park where there is no sidewalk for residents to safely walk or bike past incoming and outgoing traffic.

"There’s been a few incidents when my wife and I and our two sons have been out," said Isennock. "The gate in particular is probably the most dangerous part because sometimes the speed that gets carried into that parking lot is concerning."

Commissioners discussed placing either temporary or permanent speed humps on the street, with one located directly before the gate. The speed bumps would be about 30 feet long, spanning the entire width of the drive. According to Public Works Director Joseph Birch, two temporary speed humps cost approximately $7,500 while two permanent humps cost between $4,000 and $5,000.

The commissioners agreed that temporary speed humps would give the town the ability to move at least one to other locations where speeding is an issue. Commissioner Mary Ann Brodie-Ennis pointed out that the town of Woodsboro has also made use of temporary speed humps and that they have been very effective.

In a unanimous vote, commissioners decided to purchase two temporary speed humps. Although this purchase will take place in the near future, the time that the speed humps will be installed is dependent upon how long it takes for the pieces to be delivered.

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