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 of Woodsboro, Walkersville, Keymar & New Midway


Walkersville Area News-Briefs

(11/1) Walkersville to Continue with Tree and Bench Memorial Project

After their monthly meeting on October 6th, the Walkersville Parks Commission has decided to move forward with the memorial bench and tree planting program. According to parks committee member Mary Ann Brodie-Ennis, "anyone who would like to have a bench or tree placed in one of our parks in memory of a special person may attend a parks commission meeting and together make a plan for the bench or tree placement."

The trees will be planted in the late fall or early spring, when plants are dormant and have the best transplant rate. At previous parks commission meetings, members have raised concern about using native tree species so that they acclimate well with the other plants in the park landscape.

Anyone interested in either program may attend a Walkersville Parks Commission meeting at the Town Hall at 7:30pm on the first Wednesday of the month. Interested community members can also contact Commissioner Brodie-Ennis at

Walkersville Holiday Tree Lighting to Resume in 2021

After a break in the festivities due to the pandemic last year, the annual holiday tree lighting service is scheduled to resume in 2021. Community members are invited to bring friends and family to join in on Christmas carols and indulge in holiday treats at the tree lighting.

The service is scheduled to begin at 7:00pm on Wednesday, December 1st in Creamery Park in Old Town Walkersville. Participants can look forward to hearing holiday music, singing in the carols, and getting a visit from Santa himself!

In past years, community members have noted that the cookies and hot cocoa provided at the tree lighting event are worth waiting for, no matter how long the line may get. Remember to grab yours while joining in the holiday festivities!

40th Anniversary Veteran’s Day Service Details

The Walkersville Veteran’s Committee will be hosting their annual Veteran’s Day service on November 7th at 1pm to honor local veterans. The event will be held in Memorial Park, beginning with a performance by the Walkersville High School band and a welcome speech by Donald Schildt Sr. A color guard presentation by the Woodsboro B.S. Troop 1011 and wreath laying by the Veteran’s committee are scheduled, as well as group songs, a moment of silence, and a speech by local Vietnam Veteran Ronald Layman.

Layman served in Vietnam in ’67 and ’68 and was contacted to be the speaker for this years’ service. Community members can look forward to hearing the personal influence that comes with serving in a war.

In an interview with Layman, he mentioned how it took nearly a month after Schildt contacted him to consider sharing such intimate details with the community. "There’s some things even your own family doesn’t get to know," he added. While he acknowledges his perspective is unique, Layman highlights the connection that forms between soldiers and veterans alike.

"They could be wearing the same uniform as me, been deployed in the same place at the same time as me, and still have a different experience. But it comes down to one thing, we’ve all been shot at" Layman reassures. To better understand how to support local veterans, show your support and come out to the service at the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and Main Street.

Historical Society to Receive Town Funds

At the October 27th Town Council meeting, Commissioner Brodie-Ennis motioned to allocate $1,800 from the Town budget to donate to the Walkersville Historical Society. The proposal was initiated by Brodie-Ennis and Burgess Weddle after they were informed of the Historical Society’s new location and associated rent costs. The Town Council voted unanimously in favor to budget the funds, which are estimated to cover about half a year’s worth of rent.

During the discussion, Commissioner Baker questioned if fluctuating rent costs or if the Historical Society moving again would influence the budget. Burgess Chad Weddle reassured that with the money being budgeted at $1800, it will not change with those factors. Bonnie Leins of the Walkersville Historical Society also attended the meeting and later thanked the Town Council for the donation.

The Historical Society can be found in the white building beside Walkersville Feed Company on West Pennsylvania Avenue. The building has hosted several small-businesses and is now home to documents and artifacts that provide a deeper look into the town’s history. The Historical Society has been open to the public in this new establishment since May and will continue to provide insight to Glade Valley community members every Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

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