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Thurmont Art & Wine Stroll draws crowds

(5/22) The threat of inclement weather could not stop the Thurmont Main Street Art and Wine Stroll May 20.

The community was encouraged to spend an evening perusing Main Street to meet the variety of talented local artists and artisans who make up the colorful tapestry of the Thurmont community through outdoor music, art, and wine.

In addition to the local sips and sample sensations available from local producers, art and musical entertainment of the surrounding community decorated the venue. Vineyards in attendance included Links Bridge Vineyard, Mazzaroth Vineyard, Springfield Manor Winery, Distillery, and Brewery, and Rosie Cheeks Distillery.

Plentiful musical entertainment included acoustic guitar icon Steven Gellman who let his vocals waft through the warm evening as his passion for original folk serenaded the crowds.

Local northern Maryland talent 5.5 Men brought new and Old Country as well as Classic Rock tunes through its two harmonious drummers. Well known Saxophone player and teacher Rocky Birely performed at the Main Street Center with two of his students, Alto sax player Calli Hench and on the clarinet, Delaney Hench who are both students at Catoctin High School. The evening also saw performances by Thurmont’s own national award winning Elower-Sicilia Productions of Dance.

Newly opened Rosie Cheeks Distillery of Walkersville welcomed imbibers for a taste of its one-of-a-kind small batch moonshine. Rosie Cheeks brings a unique spin on hooch, utilizing local farm ingredients and distinctive flavors including peach cobbler and cherry pie. The family owned and operated distillery’s name comes from the family's last name Rosebud, highlighting the close-knit family ambiance, according to owner Lee, who presented at the festivities along with his son Dakota.

As the warm air reminded everyone that summer is right around the corner, The Gateway to the Mountains opened its doors to all lovers of music, art, and having a good time. The community walking evening highlighted an evening of encouraging local work, as artists and craft exhibits lined the sidewalk and supporters continuously flowed through town.

More information about Main Street Thurmont events can be found at

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