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Thurmont visitor guide unveiled

(3/27) Thurmont Economic development recently unveiled a historic visitor’s guide, glossy and full color, to entice visitors to town and showcase the majesty that is Thurmont.

Thurmont is now the only municipality in Frederick County that now has a full color visitor guide, according to Vickie Grinder, Economic Development Manager.

"It’s 40 pages and highlights all visitor aspects of the Town," she said.

The guide displays the vigorous work that went into obtaining accurate information regarding businesses and town attractions, as well as beautiful photos to attract visitors and tourists.

The extensive guide has been two years in the making and was just in the beginning stages when COVID-19 forced the project to be put on the backburner.

The project was brought back to the forefront last September and work hit the ground running like never before, Grinder said.

"It is the largest marketing piece I have ever created," Grinder said.

The guide is available as part of the "Welcome to Thurmont " bag which goes out with the first electric bill for those recently moved into town.

The guide was made possible through the Frederick County Tourism Reinvestment in Promotion and Product (TRIPP).

The Thurmont visitors guide will also be available on the town website.

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