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January Thurmont Area News-Briefs

(1/2021) December electric bills delayed

Problems with a mailing device caused a delay in the town sending out its electric bills.

Chief Administrative Officer Jim Humerick told the commissioners at their December 9 meeting, "We had a little issue with the Pitney Bowes (postage-meter) machine here in the office that delayed our bills getting out of the office."

As a result, he stated, "Now, thanks to the holiday mail-rush, they’re sitting at the postal-service in Baltimore, waiting to come back to Thurmont."

The administrative officer said that the 21-day delinquent-pay-policy is not going to commence until the town knows the bills have been delivered.

He said residents had been calling the town regarding what had happened to their electric bills, since they were concerned that they might be held accountable to pay a late fee on any bills they had not received.

The problematic postage-meter machine has since been repaired. The bills still hadn’t been seen as of the commissioners’ December 15 meeting. Mayor John Kinnaird noted at the December 15 meeting that residents could come in and pay their bills in-person, rather than wait for the paper bill to arrive in their mail.

Commissioner Wes Hamrick suggested the town explore a means of establishing an online bill-payment system. "It’s ridiculous that out mail has to go to Baltimore," he said.

COVID compliance requested

Commissioners briefly reminded residents at the December 8 town meeting to continue to adhere to requirements regarding COVID-19 safeguards.

Commissioner Bill Buehrer said, "I just wanted to re-emphasize … to all the members of the community to please wear the mask, keep your safe distance from one another, wash your hands frequently, and be respectful of one another."

Buehrer said that … in his opinion, the COVID numbers have not been going in the right direction "because there’s been too many people who have been careless."

Commissioner Wayner Hooper agreed with Commissioner Buehrer’s comments, adding, "Please, everybody be careful. I’ve had a neighbor pass-away from it. We’ve got to really be diligent in what we do, to try and get rid of this thing."

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