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Food bank improvements planned

(6/9) The Thurmont council voted at their June 2 meeting to approve two contracts totaling $24,369 to sole-bidder, Blue Line Home Improvements, Emmitsburg, to work on upgrading the town food bank.

In reviewing the contracts, James Humerick, chief administrative officer, noted that town Economic Developer Manager, Vickie Grinder, had previously acquired a $20,000 Community Legacy grant from the state Department of Housing and Community Development for food bank improvements, which would be applied towards the two approved projects.

The first contract awarded to Blue Line Home Improvements was for Americans with Disability Act (ADA) compliance issues, and for upgrades and better operations, Humerick told the board.

Work and improvements which will take place include: removing and disposing of the concrete sidewalk and landing for a new 5' ADA compliant sidewalk; removal of 4" wooden curb along the hedges and replacing it with concrete; replacing existing side-door and front-door with two front-doors to facilitate easier ADA access; repairing siding associated with moved doors; implementing upgrades to the bathroom (including new toilets, new faucet, and utilities); installing new light fixtures on the outside; installing two interior doors that line up with the two new doors; and painting.

Regarding the two new access doors, the entry door will swing in, while the new exit door will swing out, for easier ADA access.

Blue Line Home Improvement's bid for the aforementioned improvements was approved in the amount of $21,442, of which $1,442 would be paid out of the town operating budget.

The second contract addresses floor replacements in the prep area and waiting area. This will entail the removal of all the existing tile and carpeting and replacing these with ceramic tiles.

The bid for the floor work was awarded in the amount of $2,927, which will be financed by the operating budget.

Humerick said there is no starting date for the co-projects set, as of the town meeting, but would be determined once the contractor is notified that the bids have been approved. He said the town also wants to "coordinate with the food bank (in order) to not interfere with operations."

The chief administrative officer further noted that the next phase of improvements at the food bank would likely address the heating and air-conditioning systems.

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