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Thurmont Joins National Clean
 Energy Challenge

(6/19) Thurmont is taking on the challenge to see how it stacks up to other cities across the nation when it comes to clean energy successes.

Thirty communities in five states are taking the Sustainable States Community Energy Challenge, which offers tools and support to assess clean energy goals and initiatives. Participating cities will be a part of an in-state peer cohort and receive technical assistance to complete a pressing clean energy initiative. Additionally, the challenge will compare clean energy achievements across similarly-sized cities, assess future initiatives, and provide project implementation assistance.

Given the very real financial challenges cities face because of COVID-19, this opportunity helps municipalities promote energy savings for residents, businesses, and local government operations. These energy efficiency upgrades can contribute to job creation in the local community.

The project is a partnership of the Sustainable States Network, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE), and five state-level sustainability programs, including Sustainable CT, Green Cities California, Sustainable Maryland, Minnesota GreenStep Cities, and Sustainable Jersey.

"Thurmont is proud to have been selected as one of six municipalities in Maryland to participate in this challenge. Our community and our elected officials fully support sustainability efforts. As a Sustainable Maryland Certified community, as well as a Maryland Smart Energies Community and a Tree City USA, we fully embrace the value of clean energy and the resulting benefits that are realized", stated Jim Humerick, Thurmont’s Chief Administrative Officer.

"The power that small and medium-sized cities have to make durable and lasting impacts on clean energy can’t be underestimated. This is an opportunity to compare their clean energy achievements against similar cities in their own state and across the country and learn how they can magnify their progress," said Lola Schoenrich, coordinator of the Sustainable States Network and vice president of communities at the Great Plains Institute. "Municipalities across the country are taking a lead in adding renewable energy, making buildings more efficient, and electrifying transportation to ensure a more sustainable and livable community for their residents."

"We look forward to working with small and medium-sized cities across the country to assess their clean energy efforts to help them see where they can step up," says Dave Ribeiro, ACEEE senior research manager. "We’re confident the Community Energy Challenge will help communities throughout the country scale up their energy efficiency and clean energy efforts."

The Sustainable States Clean Energy Challenge is funded with support from the New York Community Trust. Find out more at SSN is managed by the Great Plains Institute.

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