Board adjusts 2020 budget
(3/4) The Thurmont Town Council of Commissioners voted at their March 3 meeting to implement a number of amendments necessary in order to maintain a balanced budget.
Mayor John Kinnaird said, "This is something we've done recently for last past three years, we've done budget amendments. Something that is required for our accounting purposes, to make sure if we spend money outside of what we had budgeted, we must make an amendment to show where the money's coming from and where it's going to."
The board approved the following amendments:
General Fund Budget: Unrestricted Fund Balance (transfers from):
- $5,140 to the Donations and Contribution line item, to fund the approved, additional, part-time position at the senior center.
- $21,427 to the Capital Expenditure line item to fund the two new air-conditioner systems at the senior center.
- $15,000 to the Professional Fees line item to fund the compilation MS4 report submitted to MDE. (Maryland Department of the Environment)
- $10,520 to the Professional Fees line item to fund streetscapes improvement study for probable cost and meeting presentation by Arrow Consulting.
- $14,293 to Capital Expenditures for additional expenses related to the purchase of 115 Water Street.
- $21,546 (plus grants receivable in the amount of $135,000), for a total of $156,546 for the purchase of Moser Road property.
- $7,500 to match grant for playground equipment upgrade.
- $10,000 from Police Department Capital Savings to Police Department Operating Materials and Supplies for cameras.
Wastewater Enterprise Fund (transfers from):
$9,685 to fund replacement of the CCTV truck computer system due to change in operating system, and additional monitor and additional backup capacity.
Water Enterprise Fund (transfers from):
- $8,163 to Water Capital Expenditures for a stainless-steel, diatomaceous earth, filter tube sheets.
- $9,875 to Water Capital Expenditures for Well #7 high-service pump.
- $10,000 to Water Capital Expenditures for R&M Distribution Systems for unforeseen water-leaks.
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