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New pavilion coming to Community Park

Danielle Ryan

(1/30) Thurmont’s Board of Commissioners voted to approve the installation of a third pavilion in Community Park during the January 22 meeting. With the help of a Project Open Space (POS) Grant, more members of the community will be able to utilize the new pavilion for special events, reunions, and gatherings.

Thurmont received a POS Grant in the amount of $90,810 for the installation of this third pavilion. Residents of Thurmont heavily utilize the two existing pavilions within Community Park, and often times town staff have to "turn away" interested groups from renting the facilities due to the high demand. The addition of this third pavilion will hopefully allow more residents to enjoy the park during the busiest time of the "park season."

Town staff recommended accepting the bid from Playground Specialists, who they have contracted with many times in the past, in the amount of $79,974. The third pavilion will be an all steel structure, constructed west of the basketball court, measuring 60 feet by 30 feet. This pavilion will be the same size as the large pavilion already located in Community Park. This bid does not include picnic tables for the pavilion, however, they can be purchased through a separate competitive bid in the future with the remainder of the POS Grant funds received for this project. As part of the POS grant, the town is responsible for funding 25% of the balance of this project.

The Board accepted the bid from Playground Specialists. Chief Administrative Officer, Jim Humerick, stated that they hope to have the structure up and available for use by July 4.

Thurmont’s Board of Commissioners also voted to approve the installation of the next phase of lights along the trolley trail during an earlier January meeting. The first phase of lights was installed between East Main Street and Park Lane. Town staff applied for and received another POS Grant in the amount of $17,640 to complete phase 2 of this project this year. The second phase runs from Park Lane to Water Street.

Three bids were received for the purchase of nine lights total. Catoctin Lighting came in with the lowest bid at $13,230; Scott Electric bid $17,669; and Winsupply out of Frederick bid $18,750. Town staff recommended Catoctin Lighting, the lowest bidder, as they have used this company in the past with success. As Humerick mentioned to the Board, there is approximately $4,400 left and if the Board should choose, they could spend the remaining amount on three additional lights to utilize the full grant funds now.

The Board unanimously accepted the bid from Catoctin Lighting, including the purchase of three additional lights. The twelve lights will be installed 120 feet apart on the same side of the road as the lights in the first phase. Once purchased, town staff will install the lights.

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