July Thurmont News-briefs
Danielle Ryan
Gateway to the cure Zumbathon a success
Thurmont’s Annual Gateway To The Cure campaign got a head start this year raising funds for breast cancer treatment via the Patty Hurwitz Fund at Frederick Memorial Hospital/James Stockman Cancer Institute. Zumba Instructor Kellie Bevard organized a Zumbathon that was held on May 6 from 2-4 p.m. to help raise funds for the cause. The Thurmont American Legion Post 168
donated the event hall for the event. Kellie called on other Zumba Instructors to assist with the event. In two hours the Gateway To The Cure Zumbathon raised $600 with an additional $100 donation from the event.
Thurmont’s Gateway To The Cure is held every October during the entire month with local businesses making donations to the cause, a 5K, selling pink light bulbs, and the town selling Gateway To The Cure merchandise. Last year the Town of Thurmont presented Patty Hurwitz with a check for $15,000. October 2018 will mark the fifth annual Gateway To The Cure campaign.
Thurmont’s Gateway To The Cure has contributed $46,000 through October 2018 to the Patty Hurwitz Fund. Due to the many events already going on each year in October, Thurmont’s Gateway to the Cure 5K Run/Walk will be held a bit earlier this year. The event will take place on Saturday September 15, beginning at 8:30 AM. Online registration is live on RunSignUp.com.
Many thanks to all who participated in the Gateway To The Cure Zumbathon! Thanks to you, Gateway To The Cure has a jump start for the October campaign! These ladies and gents literally rock! For more information on the Patty Hurwitz Fund go to: http://www.pinkribbonfrederick.org/
Thurmont Farmers Market in full swing
The Thurmont Main Street Farmer’s Market kicked off Saturday June 2 and will run every Saturday through September 22 from 9 a.m.-noon. This year’s vendors include A Happy PurseUte-Handmade Purses from recyclable material, Aimee Summers-Homemade Jams & Jellies, Catoctin Mountain Farm-Pork Products, Deer Run Farm-Red Angus Beef & Dog Treats, Highfields Farm-Produce, Herbs,
Berries, and Eggs, Karen Mozingo-Handmade Table Runners, Place Mats, & Corn Hole Bags, April Pratt-My Legendary Cakes, Wait, What? Sauce Company, LLC, and Shepherd’s Spring Homestead- Seasonal Fruits, Produce, Herbs, and Eggs. In July Richard Manahan will be on hand with his popular sweet corn. Entertainment will be provided at all of the July Markets.
June crops did not fair well for local farmers because of all the rain and lack of sunshine in May and June. Highfields Farm and Shepherds Spring Homestead reported their crops were running about three weeks behind. So why should you visit the Farmer’s Market? Farmer’s Markets affect the local economy by not only providing a living for local farmers, bakers, and
entrepreneurs of homemade and handmade products, but they also keep your dollars local. Vendors are not only supplying fresh and handmade products, but also spend money in the community for a bite to eat or a drink at a local restaurant, or shop at a local store, and may donate to local non-profit organizations. Farmers Markets also provide fresher foods because the vendors grow and pick fresh
what they sell each week. When you purchase products from the Thurmont Main Street Farmer’s Market, you can ask the local vendor questions about the food products and how it is processed. You can’t do that at a grocery store!
The first few weekends in June were a success, drawing in crowds eager to shop at the Farmers Market. Come out and meet your neighbors and local farmers at the Thurmont Main Street Farmer’s Market every Saturday now through September 22 from 9 a.m. until noon. Go to thurmontmainstreet.com for more information and an entertainment schedule.
Fox 5 Zip Trip to feature Thurmont
On July 13, Fox 5 Zip Trip will be visiting Thurmont, broadcasting live from 6-11 a.m., four times an hour. Zip Trip is a special segment run by Fox 5 News in which newscasters visit towns/cities throughout the Maryland, Virginia and Washington DC area, featuring things to do, local restaurants, and sites to see in the area. During their trip to Thurmont, Zip Trip will be
highlighting the state and national park, local businesses, local non-profits, trivia with the Mayor, Firehouse Friday that will feature the guardian Hose Co., Thurmont Ambulance and the Thurmont police department in their "5 Must See Stops" and will show those throughout the segments.
The main set for the Zip Trip broadcast will be on East Main Street, and the 5 Must See Stops are pre-recorded and will be shown throughout the broadcast. Any Thurmont non-profit that would like to set up during the broadcast can contact Vicki Grinder at vgrinder@thurmontstaff.com. Also, anyone interested in coming out to see what Zip Trip is all about is more than
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