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Thurmont Business Bucks

The importance of buying local

Danielle Ryan

(12/21) Looking for a New Years Resolution? What can you do in 2019 that will make a difference in your life and the lives of others? Try buying local and supporting your locally owned businesses right in your back yard with Thurmont Business Bucks.

What does buying local mean to you? When you make a purchase from a locally owned business you are contributing to a much larger picture, which ultimately comes back to you through the money multiplier. The Small Business Administration states: "Out of every $100 spent at local, independent stores, $68 returns to the community. The same amount spent at national chains results in only $43 staying within community borders." This statistic equates to a 58% increase in the money multiplier for shopping at a locally owned business versus a chain, and a locally owned restaurant re-circulates 67%, while big chain restaurants return about 30%.

One of the direct benefits of shopping local is the contribution to the local tax base, which allows more funds in the coffers for improved roads, sidewalks, parks, infrastructure, and local government services. Do you know someone who is involved with a non-profit organization, or who has children or grandchildren in school? That person may be you, which means your organization relies on donations from these locally owned businesses in the form of a check, gift certificate, or products to sustain sponsorships and fund-raising activities.

Additionally, when you shop at a locally owned business you will receive a personal touch from employees and often the owner of the business. Locally owned businesses garner another advantage because the owner knows the products or services needed by the community, and understands how to be responsive to the needs of the community while also being able to serve you on an individual basis. Local business owners know you, and you know them. Studies have shown that local businesses donate to community causes at more than twice the rate of chains.

When you shop at locally owned businesses you are reducing the carbon footprint by travelling less miles, and the business owner is also making more local purchases, thereby reducing their travelled miles. Locally owned businesses are also cognizant of purchasing more echo-friendly products because of their personal investment in the community, which therefore creates a more sustainable community. We recycle all types of materials why not recycle your money?

So, how can you make a difference this year? Purchase Thurmont Business Bucks! Make it your New Year's Resolution to start supporting more local businesses. Thurmont Business Bucks is a gift certificate program that is available in $25 and $50 gift certificate increments. The gift certificates can be used at more than 30 locally owned businesses in Thurmont and are sold at the Thurmont Town Office located at 615 East Main Street.

When you purchase a Thurmont Bucks Gift Certificate, it comes complete with a booklet that lists all participating merchants with a description, location, and all pertinent information about the business. Thurmont Business Bucks provides an incentive to keep local bucks in the community, while maintaining the convenience of not having to leave town to purchase a gift. Plus, Thurmont Business Bucks are for sale all year long.

Take the time to shop your locally owned businesses and make a difference by increasing the money multiplier and supporting your local tax base, non-profit organizations, and schools. When you are trying to figure out gift giving for loved ones, eating out, working out, or getting your car serviced, remember your locally owned businesses all year long!

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