Taneytown’s annual Easter Egg Hunt may be held this year, but the form in which it takes will depend on COVID-19 protocols that might then be in effect.
Lorena Vaccare, director of Parks & Recreation, informed the city Parks & Recreation Advisory Board at their February meeting that, while it is hoped that the egg hunt can move forward in the manner in which it has in prior years, it may have to be modified.
Vaccare said the event was originally scheduled to take place at Memorial Park … with someone dressed-up as the Easter Bunny - so that children could have their photographs taken with the Easter Bunny at the gazebo - and have the egg hunt, raffles, and juice and cookies for the children – but Vaccare stated she is "not sure where we’re going to be with the COVID situation."
She said one option might be to disperse the plastic eggs throughout the park, and children could hunt for them on-their-own. The concern with that being, she said, might be risking those who might be throwing the plastic eggs "in the pond, thrown in the porta-potties … who knows - so I’m hoping we can do it in-person (more organized and monitored)."
Vaccare told the News-Journal that a decision regarding the Easter egg hunt should be forthcoming - and suggested anyone interested in participating to check on the status as posted on the Taneytown Facebook page at facebook.com/TaneytownParks.
Bollinger Park heritage grant sought
Taneytown City Manager James Wieprecht informed the city Council at their February meeting that town staff will be seeking a grant from the Maryland Historic Trust (MHT) to utilize in the creation of a multi-purpose trail in Bollinger Park.
However, he stated, in order to qualify for the grant, the city must grant MHT an "historic easement" on the land upon which the trail is established.
Wieprecht stated that staff would be seeking to clarify if such an easement was actually called-for regarding the establishment of a trail - but given the fast-approaching deadline for filing for the grant, he requested that the council pre-approve pursuing the grant … conditioned on an acceptable outcome on the easement-aspect of the application.
Bollinger Park, currently in the developmental stages, and will be a "nature park." Preliminary plans include a walking, jogging, and biking trail, with the possibility for an observatory, constructed and operated by the Westminster Astronomical Society.
The council authorized the mayor to supervise the process of applying - without needing further action by the council.
'Promise Ride' permit approved
The Town Council unanimously approved at their February meeting … a special-event permit, that will allow the 2021 Susan G. Komen Promise Ride to utilize Memorial Park on June 13.
According to komenmd.org, the Susan G. Komen organization is the world’s largest breast cancer organization, funding more breast cancer research than any other nonprofit group … while providing real-time help to those facing the disease. The organization was founded in 1982 by Nancy G. Brinker, who promised her sister, Susan G. Komen, that she would end the disease that claimed Suzy’s life.
For more information on the Promise Ride, contact the organization at 410-938-8990, or visit their website at komenmd.org.
During the city Council’s permit approval, Mayor Bradley Wantz said, "(We are) hoping that in 2021 - we can start having these events again.
Wine Fest still a ‘go’
Lorena Vaccaro, director of Parks & Recreation, informed the city Parks & Recreation Advisory Board at their February meeting that vendor applications continue being submitted for the June Taneytown Wine, Music & Art Festival.
Vaccare said that the booking of three of the bands that had been approached to perform at the event has been secured, as well as securing the participation of the pony-rides and petting-zoo. Other attractions will include moon-bounces and games. "We don’t need a lot … just a couple of theme-booths and different things like that," she said.
The director further stated that staff will soon be reaching out to prospective sponsors for the upcoming event, and that the supplies for the event will be ordered in April.
The event is scheduled to take place on June 19, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.