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On being a high school sports writer

Gina Lin
CHS Class of 2024

(9/2023) When I first accepted my position as a sports writer back in the summer of 2022, I was essentially walking in blind. To say the least, writing and reporting were completely new to me. Fresh out of my sophomore year and with the stretch of summer ahead, I took a chance on something that has altered my perspective on sports, journalism, and the world around me. Little did I know that this endeavor would lead me down a path of self-discovery and a newfound appreciation for journalism.

Prior to writing about sports, I had only ever written essays in English class. I prefer to write informational writing pieces– thankfully I was not tasked with producing commentary. The previous sports writer, Mia Ferraro helped me greatly by providing insightful feedback on drafts of my articles, and by giving me pointers on journalism norms.

In all honesty, sports had never been at the forefront of my interests. Growing up, I was mostly occupied with academics. Yet, over the past several months I discovered that sports were more than just the game. Sports help to build bonds and trust between team members, and I was able to vicariously experience the thrill of sports through my role. I also picked up on sport terminology, which could be helpful for me in the future.

I have developed many critical skills, aside from writing, from my time spent as a sports writer, one of the most important being organization. I have learned to organize information, sources, interviews, etc. Not only has this skill been beneficial for writing, but I have applied it to managing school, work, and extracurriculars.

Prioritizing time management has also come in handy, as I have to work within a deadline to submit my article. Typically, I choose a topic to write about at the beginning. Sometimes, I have to scrap the original topic halfway through the writing process because of insufficient information and a multitude of other reasons. Choosing a topic is particularly important, as I have to consider what would peak audience interests and if it’s practical for me to write about. In the following weeks, I conduct interviews and gather information from various sources and platforms; including social media and other news outlets. I reach out to my sources first, so I can give them ample time to respond if they do respond.

I won’t spend too much time explaining the logistics of writing, but I will provide a brief overview. After most of the data and testimonies have been compiled, I proceed by sifting through information that could help with drafting my prompt. This part is a little more time consuming, as it shapes the outcome of my article. Moving onto the actual writing portion, I typically create a rudimentary outline before fleshing it out by adding specific statistics and testimony. Outlines are helpful, as they help to organize my thoughts and what the essence of the article is. After that, I will edit the article. The editing process consists of refining terminology which may be too general or extreme, correcting grammatical errors, and ensuring a smooth flow throughout the article.

Navigating sports writing was not without its challenges. As a high school student juggling classes, extracurricular activities, and a social life, I often found myself working with time- constraints. But, this pressure has honed my time management skills and I have learned to make practical sacrifices that would be more beneficial for me in the long run. Another problem that I encounter is obtaining statistics. This is further aggravated considering that Catoctin is such a small school. I spend most of my time just trying to find information or waiting for responses from potential interviewees. As I have mentioned, I was not particularly immersed in athletics prior to my role. As a result, sometimes I would have a crash course on certain sports before I feel confident enough to report on it. Moreover, I run into writer’s block occasionally especially since I experience burnouts from school and the many other activities I’m involved in. But, when that occurs I like to take a break in an attempt to rejuvenate myself.

Now, there are innumerable positives of being a sports writer, which have explained my commitment to this role. One of the most transformative aspects of my journey was the realization that sports extend beyond the scores on the scoreboard. Behind each victory or defeat was a story of dedication and growth. I learned to look beyond the statistics and delve into the lives of the athletes, understanding their struggles, triumphs, and dreams. In a way, being a high school sports writer became a lesson in empathy.

One of my proudest moments so far is my work in expanding the scope of my reporting to academic and other non- athletic extracurricular activities, as they do not always receive the same attention as athletics. I have many friends that participate in non- athletic extracurriculars, and I can confidently say that they work just as hard. I am glad that I was given the opportunity to tell the stories of more students at Catoctin.

Perhaps the most rewarding part of the journey was witnessing the impact of my words. As I shared the stories of these young athletes, I saw how my articles resonated with the community. Parents, friends, and athletes found a sense of pride in seeing their efforts celebrated in print. One time, an athlete happily recalled her parents framing an article on their wall that I had written about the volleyball team. This really goes on to demonstrate an individual's dedication and perseverance to their chosen extracurricular activity. I am constantly inspired by individuals involved in organized athletics, as I have observed the power of sports to unite, inspire, and teach.

Inevitably, my appreciation for journalism has deepened. Journalism's capacity to illuminate, question, and provoke thought has become even more evident to me through my time as a sportswriter. It has also cultivated an immense respect for journalists, as they have to be so careful in their writing in addition to working very hard. One of the reasons explaining my admiration for journalism is its interdisciplinary nature. For me, I had to use an objective writing style to convey sports. While the challenges of writing about sports may sometimes feel demanding, in the end it has proved to be rewarding.

With a new school year just beginning, I am excited to continue reporting on sports and celebrating the athletic accomplishments of my peers, not only in athletics but in academic extracurriculars. Since I am entering my senior year, this school year is sure to be a memory-filled one for me also.

Read past articles on Catoctin Sports