(9/20) Scotty Harbaugh was born with the cancer that would kill
him when he was only 5 years old.
But maybe because his brain tumor would always be a part of his
life, Scotty learned to deal with it as only a child can. He laughed. He
played. He loved.
“Scott was very energetic up until the tumor started taking
control,” said his mother Stephanie Harbaugh. “He loved to laugh and he would
make you laugh.”
Scotty was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2004, but Harbaugh
said the doctors believe he was born with it. His first seizure was when he was
only 11 weeks old. The tumor was like a spider web across his brain and by age
2, it covered about 50 percent of his brain, according to Harbaugh. Scotty
underwent chemotherapy treatments, but by age 4, the doctors discontinued it,
admitting that the treatments were no longer helping.
“They said that the tumor had started growing down the side of
his spinal cord,” Harbaugh said. “That when they told us he only had 6 months
That was in February 2007. By April, Harbaugh began to notice
changes in her son. He was sleeping more; so much that he was up for only an
hour or two a day. He was eating less.
“For him not to eat, you know something’s wrong,” Harbaugh
Scotty’s condition continued to deteriorate. On the day he
died, he breathing was labored and his heart raced.
“We couldn’t get him to wake up,” Harbaugh said.
Both Harbaugh and her husband, Shawn, realized that end was
near and sat beside Scotty in his bed. He died around 7:45 p.m. with both of
his parents sitting with him.
“He could only say a few words, but he liked to play and he was
very uplifting,” Harbaugh said.