(2/25) Liberty Township Board of Supervisors Chairman Walter "Mickey" Barlow has an important message for anyone traversing township roads. Slow down. "I cannot express enough that you need to slow down when the roads are wet and slippery," he said.
During their February meeting, Barlow said the number of crashes in the township is increasing, especially on Bullfrog, Boyle, and Orchard roads. "They are also the ones we have most of the speeding on," he said.
Accidents do happen, Barlow acknowledged, even to members of township staff. Barlow, who also serves as township roadmaster, said road crews occasionally hit mailboxes with snow plows.
"Unfortunately, it happens at times," Barlow said. "Especially when you have a heavy snow."
Barlow believes replacing the mailboxes should be the township’s responsibility. However, some people have apparently taken advantage of the township. One resident, Barlow said, claimed that it cost $300 to fix their mailbox. "Which is way out of line," he said.
To protect the township, supervisors unanimously approved an ordinance that outlines the township’s responsibility pertaining to downed mailboxes. The ordinance has been in the works for several years, Barlow said.
The new law states residents must submit a claim within 48 hours of the alleged accident. A member of the road crew will inspect the claim, Barlow said, and the township will only replace it if the post shows no sign of dry rot.
The township will not replace a mailbox damaged by plowed snow, only if the plow or truck strikes it. Sometimes, Barlow said, mailbox posts break when snow hits them because the posts are in poor condition. If the township determines it is their responsibility to replace the mailbox, it will reimburse the property owner up to $75.
In other road news, Barlow reported that construction of a new salt shed is almost complete. The next big project, Barlow said, is a new fuel tank pad. The township contracted with Hull’s Electric Service to complete the project.
The Board also increased the compensation rate for elected supervisors to $3,145. Per Pennsylvania law, the raise goes into effect when new terms begin. The supervisors also increased the tax collectors’ pay to 3% per bill collected. The increase will go into effect in 2026 when the tax collectors’ new term begins.