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From the Desk of Liberty Township
 Supervisor Walter Barlow

(6/2021) April and the first part of May were very active in Liberty Township. A few weeks ago, the Township Road Crew removed 11 trees from the roadways in less than 24 hours during the high winds. Please be mindful of hazardous trees and other road issues and promptly call the township maintenance office so they can be addressed.

Base Repair was completed on Irishtown Road but unfortunately, while performing the planned road work we discovered that additional base repair was needed before the tar and chip could be applied. To cover the cost of the additional repairs and stay within the budget, we had to remove McGlaughlin Road from the Road Project List for 2021 and reschedule it for 2022. Base repair was completed on Brent Road without any problems. Patchwork was completed on Bullfrog Road at the Hamiltonban Township/Liberty Township municipal line.

The roads are ready for tar and chip and then fog seal and we hope to have that work scheduled by June. We are still expecting a few bids to tar and chip Old Waynesboro Road. Also in June, we will begin replacing outdated road signs. The second grass cutting along the roads for this year has begun. The grass is growing very quickly, and we plan to maintain mowing regularly. Please be aware of the signs in place during road work and navigate safely through the work zones.

The Fairfield Fire Department Chief attended our public meeting on May 4, 2021 to discuss the Fire Protection and Development Standards Manual that we are reviewing. Some of the standards are already covered under the UCC which Liberty Township opted into in 2016. We plan to address some of the Fire Protection and Development Standards that are not covered by the UCC, particularly driveway widths at the entrances from the Township roads. Most fire apparatus is eight feet wide, and driveways needs to be a minimum of ten feet wide to allow proper access for emergency vehicles to reach the homes. We plan to look in to this further and implement some practical solutions in the coming year.

Another concern brought to our attention is that some homes in Liberty Township are without the proper required visible reflective address markings which allows EMS to identify a home. We do have a township ordinance that requires all residents to identify their home address with a reflective address sign on your property. We highly encourage everyone to make sure their home address is easily identifiable for EMS and that they remain in compliance with the ordinance as this is a life-saving issue. The address markers must be a minimum of four inches in height, with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch, and the color of the numbers to contrast with the immediate background and must be placed as to be in full view from the opposite side of the street.

The gutters on the township building have been replaced, but we are still waiting on the leaf guards to be installed. Additionally, we are seeking appraisals for new flooring in the township building. The current floor is 30 plus years old and is in need of repair. Trying to clean it and strip it has become problematic. Replacing the floor seems to be the best solution. The municipal contract for trash pickup is up for renewal. Liberty Township residents wishing to give feedback on the service of the current contractor should submit comments in writing to the Township before June 30.

Be sure to check out our Township Web Page on the municipalities link through the website. We update it regularly with important information for our residents. We will began working on the 2022 annual budget this Summer to have it completed and adopted by the December 31 deadline. We invite the public to participate in our meetings on the first Tuesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. If you cannot come to our meetings, you can view them on YouTube, and you can participate in public comments by using the call-in line.

I am grateful for the staff that we have at Liberty Township and commend them all for a job well done. We are actively looking to hire a person for the Township Road Crew for help as needed. You must be 18 years old to apply. We encourage anyone who may be interested to obtain an application from the Township office.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you as one of your Supervisors of Liberty Township.

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