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From the Desk of Liberty Township
 Supervisor Walter Barlow

(4/2021) Happy Spring! It seems that the snow has moved on and we do not anticipate any further snow removal. We are looking forward to focusing on removing the dangerous trees that we have marked along the roadways. Last month, the township adopted a tree ordinance, and it is now in effect for any diseased or damaged trees in the township. Some residents have already received notification requesting the removal of dangerous trees on their property. We thank everyone who promptly addressed those issues. We will continue to monitor and notify property owners of these hazards. If you see a tree that has the potential of falling onto the road, please contact the township with the location.

Kinsley Construction was awarded the bid for our road projects this year. As soon as the work is scheduled, residents on the affected roads will be notified. The project includes a proposed 17,155 square yards of double application tar/chip, 15,600 square yards of fog seal, and 605 square yards of base repair on five township roads. Old Waynesboro Road is also scheduled for repair in April. We plan to tear up the old asphalt, re-gravel, roll the road and apply a base spray.

Ditching work continues along the roadways to keep the water flowing down the correct path in the township. We encourage our residents to maintain their driveway culvert pipes and keep them clear. Mike Crum on Pecher Road was gracious enough to help us address a water issue at his property. We were able to install a pipe to direct the water away from the roadway and down to the creek bed. Again, we greatly appreciate all who are working with us on keeping our roadways safe.

We would like to thank Hamiltonban Township and Ray Herr for assisting with getting our roads cut and mowed back with their boom mower. We are grateful to have such friendly cooperation from our neighboring municipalities.

During the months of April-July you will see us out along the roads replacing outdated signage. A friendly reminder that during the end of April thru May the State will be working on Tract Road pipe replacement. They propose to shut down the roadway at the intersection of Boyle Road and Tract Road. A traffic sign diversion plan will be in place prior to the work start date. Please be vigilant of the road crew working along the roads.

During the March Board of Supervisors meeting, we adopted a driveway ordinance amendment to better explain what needs to transpire when putting in a new driveway. Details include the width of the driveway, the size of the pipe, and the overall appearance of the driveway. Additionally, we passed the Junkyard ordinance amendment. Adams County is currently assisting the township with negotiating a new municipal waste collection contract. The heating and air conditioning units have been successfully installed in the township municipal building.

Pick Up Pennsylvania is part of the national Great American Cleanup from March 1st through May 31st, but you can help keep our township litter free at any time of the year. We encourage you to grab a trash bag and pick up some trash while walking along township roads. Any trash that you collect may be placed in the township dumpster, or you can set it to the side of the road and notify the township for pick up.

We have our new police cruiser in service, and we are pleased to have a second vehicle for our Police Department. The police service agreement with Freedom Township is going very well. We would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wenschhof for their generous donation to servicing the ENRADD that recently needed reconditioned. The Liberty Township Police Department is doing a phenomenal job under the leadership of Chief Sherri Hansen. We have received positive feedback regarding the Police Department from the residents in the township. We continue to support and encourage our police department.

We have been discussing ambulance services for the township with Adams Regional Emergency Services. They have proposed a price reduction in the annual subscription if we sign up the entire township for services. The service would be funded by an EMS tax at about $50 a household. In return, all ambulance services would be provided to everyone in your household with no additional charges. I am asking homeowners to consider this proposal and give feedback by mail, email, telephone, or by dropping a note in the township drop box. If we get a positive response, we will consider implementing this annual service that runs from July to June.

The American Red Cross is in need of blood supply, so if you have an opportunity to donate blood, we encourage you to do so. I am also considering having a blood drive at the township building in the future.

Primary Election Day is May 18th. There are three positions open in Liberty Township and several candidates hoping to fill those spots. Our current tax collector, Jessica Ilko is running for the tax collector position. We have one open position for Township Supervisor. Lifetime resident and graduate of Fairfield High School Brandon Lowe has put in his petition to be on the ballot. Sue Hek has completed one term and is running for reelection for Elected Auditor. The Adams County Republican Committee has four positions for our township open and currently there are only three candidates running for those positions. If you see any candidates out campaigning, please reach out to them with any questions you may have.

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