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From the Desk of Liberty Township
 Supervisor Walter Barlow

(12/2021) A Big Thank You to the Emmitsburg Journal for the opportunity to bring this monthly newsletter to our Liberty Township residents. I would like to welcome incoming Supervisor Brandon Lowe who will begin his term in January. Jessica Ilko will remain the township Tax Collector, and Sue Hek will continue serving as an elected Auditor. I would like to acknowledge Supervisor Bob Jackson and Zoning Hearing Board Member Bart Hogan for their many years of service to Liberty Township as they end their terms. Bob Jackson previously served as a Township Auditor and Bart Hogan served on the Planning Commission before joining the Zoning Hearing Board. Our new Zoning Hearing Board held an organization meeting in November appointing Cindy Arentz as the Chair, Jim Holler as the Co-Chair, and Donna Powers as the Secretary. We also added new members to the Planning Commission earlier this year.

The tree canopy project was completed in a timely manner. I would like to thank Hamiltonban Township for their assistance with the project and splitting the cost. Sometimes, it takes small municipalities to work together and share resources to accomplish a task. I would like to praise Ray Herr, Jim Eyler, and Randy Pritt for working with our road crew to get the job completed. Our trucks are prepped for the winter weather, and we are stockpiled on anti-skid and salt.

A new police contract was signed with Highland Township for police services. The contract is for one year with 25 hours per month of service starting January 1. We renewed our contract with Freedom Township for 25 hours of police service for 2022. We appreciate both townships putting their confidence and trust in our police department to provide police services to their residents. We would like to welcome two new police officers that we added to support the combined needs of Freedom, Highland, and Liberty Township. You will see them both working the streets in January. Liberty Township’s Police force is doing an excellent job servicing our Township and we look forward to them working in Freedom and Highland Township.

The Police Department needs two new taser guns. The current ones in use are obsolete and they are not functioning properly at times. We are looking for donation contributions to help offset the $4,000 cost of the tasers. Please contact Chief Sherri Hansen if you are interested in donating.

A Click It or Ticket Program ran November 15 through November 28. If you get into an accident the likelihood of your survival increases with your seat belt on. Most fatal accidents happen within a 25-mile radius of your home. Remember seat belts save lives. I want to remind the Liberty Township residents that we have an ordinance stating that your home must have a visible reflective address sign to assist Police, Fire, and other emergency services. People tend to have more medical emergencies during the winter months than the summer months. Please remember the importance of a reflective address sign. As with any emergency, seconds count.

A Friendly reminder to all township residents: Second notices for those who have not pumped their septic system will be mailed in December. A deadline of February 11, has been set by the Board of Supervisors before violations will occur for non-pumping compliance. Please be advised that a fine of up to $1,000 per day may be issued for pumping non-compliance. A one-year extension was granted for all township residents during the pandemic, and that deadline has passed. Please pump your septic system as required.

Municipal and County Tax second notices went out in early November. Those taxes can be collected until December 31. We are in penalty phase for school tax collection. Second notices for school taxes will be sent in early January. A drop box is located by the front door of the Township Municipal Building for tax payments and all municipal mail collection.

Thanks again for the opportunity to serve as a Supervisor of Liberty Township. Merry Christmas! Have a safe and Happy New Year! God Bless!

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