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From the Desk of Liberty Township
 Supervisor Walter Barlow

(1/2021) Liberty Township would like to pass on condolences to the Flinner family for the recent loss of Zoning Hearing Board member Dr. Lee Flinner. Dr. Flinner faithfully served on the Township Zoning Hearing Board for many years. The Township also lost former Township Supervisor Leonard Sites earlier in 2020 and we extend our condolences to the Sites family as well. The Township is grateful for the years of dedicated service from both gentlemen and all those who make time to serve the Township.

The loss of Dr. Flinner and a recent resignation left two openings on the three-member Zoning Hearing Board. Dr. Bart Hogan, who’s term was set to expire at the end of 2020, has generously agreed to serve another three-year term. Liberty Township welcomes Cindy Arentz who was appointed by the Board of Supervisors at the December 1 meeting to serve out the remaining year of an unexpired term on the Zoning Hearing Board. At the end of 2020 there are two openings for five-year terms for the Planning Commission and one opening for two-years left of a three-year term on the Zoning Hearing Board. These positions hold viable interests within our community, and we seek community volunteers on an ongoing basis. Anyone interested in serving the township now or in the future is asked to please send letters of interest to the Board of Supervisors or contact the Township for additional information.

Tax Collector and Alternate Secretary/Treasurer Jessica Ilko has passed her notary certification and she will be authorized to notarize Township documents. Although her services will not be available to the public for items that are not township related, it provides a no cost convenient service to anyone signing agreements with Township that require notarization. The most common agreement form between the township and property owners is the Stormwater Operation and Maintenance Agreement.

The Township Road Department was prepared for the first winter storm and we hope all our residents remained safe and enjoyed the first snowfall of the season. Again, I just want to remind the residents that the ash trees will be coming down more and more as winter sets in on us with ice and snow, please remain cautious while driving. The Road maintenance crew did continue to finish cleaning up brush and dead trees that were along the roadways on Stultz Road, Irishtown Road, and Bullfrog Road. We have done a lot of road work this past year. I believe our roads are currently in great condition. In addition to black topping and line painting the driveway at the Township building, we recently installed new lighting in the bay areas.

We have quite a few projects scheduled for 2021. We plan to install a new HVAC system in the Township building. Additionally, we plan on doing extensive base repair work and tar and chip on many of the township roads. We have started the process to obtain a general permit from DEP to complete bridge repair work on the Old Waynesboro Road bridge.

On January 1, our police contract with Freedom Township becomes effective. We have approved the purchase of an additional police vehicle and we are awaiting delivery.

Officer Courtney Herring has begun working for the Township. We are proud to have her as part of our team. Officer Corey Ammerman is also back working part-time for the Police Department along with Officer Chris Roosen and Officer Brian Weikert. We commend our police department for the job that they do under the command of Chief Hansen.

I encourage the residents to reach out to the Board of Supervisors and Township staff any time with your comments, questions, or concerns. You can contact us by mail, phone, email, or use the drop box located at the main door of the building. Its’ a great privilege serving you as Township Roadmaster and as a Supervisor. Have a blessed New Year & stay safe! God Bless!

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