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From the Desk of Carroll Valley Mayor Ron

(2/2021) This is February and you know what that means "A challenge to keep those resolutions!" February is also the month to remember loved ones. February 14th is Valentine’s Day. Fathers, Uncles, Grandfathers, you are invited to spend a semi-formal evening full of music, dancing, food, and fun with the special girl in your lives. Mark your calendar for the 3rd Annual Daddy Daughter Fairy Picnic scheduled for Saturday February 11th 6 to 9:30 pm at the Fairfield Fire & EMS Banquet Hall. Seating is limited. Pre-resignation is required. For more information or to register go to or call 717-642-8269.

February 27th is "Fat Tuesday", which is the day before Ash Wednesday and the last day of Mardi Gras. It was the custom of the German immigrants who settled in Pennsylvania to use up all the fat in their house prior to Lent by making the fastnacht. It is a square doughnut without a hole, fried in fat. Hope you enjoy your fried cakes.

Dr. Lisa Wolkind and Councilor Sarah Skoczen told me that New Year's Day 2017 started with a happy dance. "Drain Kitty" had been reunited with her family! So, who is "Drain Kitty"? She is a very special cat who created a stir along Fairfield Road. Several months ago, new free roaming cats were noticed near Dollar General in Hamiltonban. One kitty was hit by a car, rescued by a good Samaritan, taken for veterinary care, and is still hoping to find his lost family. "Drain kitty" found shelter in the drain pipe along 116. Fortunately, Dorothy, a dedicated animal lover, took responsibility for feeding this cat every day. The Adams County Community Cats TNR team and Abby Avery, the SPCA shelter manager became involved. Multiple people visited drain kitty and tried to gain her trust by sitting with her in the culvert and feeding her. This is by no means a normal sight in Fairfield! Concerned citizens reacted by summoning emergency services to make sure that the people in the culvert were not injured. Many thanks go out to these unknown people and to the emergency services who were so patient with us. A photo of Drain kitty was taken and shared on community Facebook pages. Within a few days of posting, the owners were found! Drain kitty's true name is Muffin Jr. She is deaf and escaped in June 2016. Now, how is that for a happy way to start the New Year?

Volunteering means something different to each individual that gets involved in local government. The simplest definition may be "an individual that becomes part of something without any expectation of receiving anything in return." I just know without the selflessness of our residents we could not accomplish many of the tasks that have made Carroll Valley a quality place to live and raise a family. The Carroll Valley Borough is currently looking for resident volunteers to fill vacancies on several boards/committees. There are two vacancies on the Parks, Recreation & Environmental Advisory Committee. There is one vacancy (member) on the Finance Committee and one vacancy (alternate) on the Zoning Hearing Board. There is also a vacancy on the Borough Council. Please consider offering your professional skills and talents to have a positive influence on our community by volunteering to help or serve. Contact the Borough Manager Dave Hazlett or the Assistant Borough Manager/Secretary Gayle Marthers at 717-642-8269. If you are not interested in becoming a committee/council member but willing to help with a particular event such as the Fishing Derby or Easter Egg Hunt, make the call.

New year brings change. Pennsylvania automobile gas price increased by 8 cents. This is the last of three increases in four years. Funds generated are forecasted to be used for road and maintenance projects across the state. PA motorists pay a gas tax of 78 cents per gallon. PA license registration stickers will be replaced with Automated License Plate Reader. This means that registration is still required but no sticker will be sent to the customer. Online customers will renew and save a copy of and print a registration card on demand. Those who use snail mail will receive a card. However, in both cases, you will not be placing a sticker on the license plate indicating that you have registered your vehicle.

Pennsylvania received an extension by the federal government to comply with the requirements of the REAL ID Act until June 5th 2017. This extension allows PA residents to continue to use their driver’s licenses as identification to enter federal buildings through June. This extension gives PA lawmakers more time to come into compliance with federal requirements in a cost-effective manner. Without this extension, residents would have needed additional photo ID, such as a passport, to gain access to federal buildings starting January 30th.

As President of the Adams County Boroughs Association (ACBA), I had the privilege to present a Certificate of Appreciation to Andy Strausbaugh. The script on the plaque reads "Thank you for your outstanding service as Treasurer since 1983. Your 33 years of diligence, dedication and commitment is gratefully appreciated. The Borough will be holding the following meetings in February: Planning Commission (Monday – Feb 6th), Borough Council (Tuesday – Feb 14th), Parks/Recreation Committee (Wednesday – Feb 22nd) and Public Safety Committee (Monday – Feb 27th). The Borough Office will be closed on Monday – Feb 20th for Presidents Day. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me by email at MayorRonHarris or by cell at 301-606-2021. Be careful driving on the trails. We need to slow down. Watch out for ice especially at night.

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