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From the Desk of Carroll Valley Mayor Ron

(7/2020) We have entered the Green Phase of our state’s Pandemic Recovery Plan. Using the analogy of the traffic light color system, green means go! Step on the gas! Let’s get moving! And the conclusion we are left with is "Finally, it is over!!!" Unfortunately, no one told the COVID-19 virus! Fact, it is not over! COVID-19 is not paying attention to any traffic light. Don’t throw caution to the wind. We are entering into a new norm where we must proceed cautiously to prevent being stopped again by a red light. However, we must be able to move on with our lives.

The new norm will be defined by how we interact within our social groups such as the family, workplace, church, education, recreation, and entertainment. The mainstay advice that spans across all social groups seems to be the following: adhere to the six-foot social distancing recommendation, wear a mask when visiting our health care provider, on public transportation, shopping at a grocery store or pharmacy and interacting with clients/customers, frequently washing your hands for 20 seconds and staying home when you feel or are sick.

In our community, people have come together to help others young and old during this time of need. I would like to sincerely thank them for their service and to recognize their efforts. I believe it is important for all of us to be aware of how individuals and organizations have come out to help others. Ruth’s Harvest-Fairfield (RH-F) was established before COVID-19 to try to reduce our school children’s food insecurity, meaning the child does not know if they will have a meal or what that meal may be from day to day. To help, RH-F provides each eligible student a backpack which contains seven meals and snacks for the weekend when school breakfasts and lunches are not available. This is done with the permission of the parent or guardian. When the Fairfield Area School District closed on March 13 due to COVID-19, RH-F continued to provide backpacks of food each week to the students enrolled in the RH-F program.

Initially, the bags were delivered to the school for pick-up, however, once Neighbors Helping Neighbors began receiving donations and distributing food at St. John Lutheran Church, RH-F bags were distributed each Friday from that location through the end of June. The support of so many in and around Fairfield/Carroll Valley has been nothing short of amazing and inspiring. Countless people donated food and money so we could continue our efforts, and with facemasks, gloves, and hand sanitizer, volunteers rallied to ensure the bags were packed each week at the pantry space donated by Leonard Sites.

From the time school was dismissed until the end of June RH-F had volunteers from Wesley Chapel, Liberty Worship Center, Iron Springs Church of the Brethren, St. Mary’s Catholic, St. John Lutheran, Fairfield Area School District teachers, Trinity United Methodist of Emmitsburg, and a group from Orvis Hill Country.

During this same time, RH-F received generous monetary donations from many area residents as well as groups such as the Fairfield Lions Club, the Fairfield American Legion, the Blue Ridge Summit Sportsman Club, Next Step Martial Arts, Mid Atlantic Soaring Association, Becky Bequette (Fairfield Facemasks), the Honor Society of Fairfield Area School District (FASD), the FASD Girls Soccer team, the FASD teachers, and the FASD PTO. The current RH-F broad members include Karen Graff, Jim Holler, Deana Wilson Duvall, Charles Deardorff, Melissa Miller, Heather Wight, Barbara Booz, Martha Fitz, Sue Hull, Robin Dicken. Linda McMullen, Roger Semplak, and Linn Wichowski.

Amid the COVID-19 crisis, the number of people registering for the Wesley Chapel UMC Summer Food Program doubled. On June 6, Wesley Chapel purchased and delivered one full, fresh meal, along with other non-perishable items donated by the community to 13 families, comprised of 74 people. The number of food servings delivered totaled 4,389 servings. Two more deliveries will take place on July 11 and August 8.

This ministry has been possible by grants awarded from the Susquehanna United Methodist Conference's Harvest Home offering, Ruth's Harvest - Fairfield, Inc., the Fairfield Food Pantry, the Borough of Carroll Valley, Pizza Leon, Ventura’s Pizza, Waynesboro Martin’s Food Store, Fairfield Fire Company, neighboring churches and many other generous individuals. Other significant contributors of time and effort include Wesley Chapel’s Outreach Team’s initial and current chairpersons Cynde Overholtzer and Bonnie Braun, former pantry providers and organizers Michael and Heather Wight, previous audiovisual managers Joe, Jen, Madison, and Xavier Matta, supreme shopper Cammi Bittner, sorters & packers Ken, Diane, Mary & Catherine Aker, Barb Cline, Karen Rudisill, Toni Smith & Rose Welsh and deliverers Dale & Becky Buffington, Joe and Lorraine Orlando, John and Pastor Kim Phillips, Rita Caviness and Missy Miller. The registration for families to receive food has closed. Anyone wishing to support this effort with donations of non-perishable foods, please contact Missy Miller at 717-321-0169.

On March 30th, Fairfield Neighbors Helping Neighbors started food donations for families in the Fairfield area that needed some extra help. St. John Lutheran Church and Pastor Bev Donnella in Fairfield allowed the group to use the church to set up the food collection and distribute the boxes of donations for the last three months. People donated food regularly and there was never a problem getting volunteers to help out! Some of the people behind this effort were Robin Dicken, Sue Hull, Missy Miller, Jeni Jarrell, Gayle Marthers, Brenda Walter, Linn Wichwoski, and Linda Sanders. There were about 25 people that volunteered with the collection and distribution.

The Fairfield Neighbors Helping Neighbors averaged between 15 and 20 families (approximately 75 people) weekly that would receive a box of non- perishables and then the option to choose from toiletries, cleaning supplies, and perishable items. The organization received generous meat donations from Mr. Ed Gotwalt, Kevin and Deb Diehl, John and Dee Dee Mezger, Seth Snyder (Stone Ridge Manor), and a couple of anonymous cash donors. Thank you all for your generosity and care for your fellow neighbors! I leave you with a script outside my doctor’s office, "My Mask Protects You, Your Mask Protects Me"! Keep well.

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