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From the Desk of Carroll Valley Mayor Ron

(4/2020) It seems every TV news agency is competing for viewership using the topic of COVID-19. But in essence, their ‘Breaking News’ approach is adding to the stress level of the general public who are stuck home. For example, when they report how many died, they should also report how many were infected out of what population size and if admitted to a hospital, how many overcame their symptoms and released. In short, I suggest to you to focus on what you can do for yourself, your family, your friends and neighbors. Let’s pay attention to our healthcare providers, first responders and local government officials for information – all of whom have your best interest at heart to help you navigate through this stressful time. Helping each other and working together is the formula for success.

Now, what are the basics to consider? Wash your hands. An old concept, but one that has worked throughout the centuries to remove germs. Don’t forget to spread the lather to the backs of your hands up to your wrists, between your fingers, and under your nails. We are advised to perform this task for 20 seconds. Rinse your hands thoroughly under clean, running water. Dry your hands using a clean paper towel (best), or hand/hair dryer (OK), or let them air dry in a pinch.

Here is the hard part. We are told to ‘frequently wash our hands’. What does ‘frequently’ mean? Recommend you incorporate hand washing in your daily routine; for example, every time you come into the house (grocery shopping, getting/opening the mail, opening postal cardboard boxes, touching frequently used public surfaces – shopping cart handle, etc.) before, during and after preparing food at home, right before eating food, after using the toilet, after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing and before and after caring for someone who feels sick. In other words, ‘frequently’ can be achieved by incorporating the task in performing our daily chores.

In a pinch, you could use a hand sanitizer as long it contains a least 60 percent alcohol. But remember, the 20 seconds time requirement and the need to rub around your hands and nails/fingers needs to be followed. Whatever don’t touch your face (nose, eyes, or mouth). Avoid social gatherings. In this day and age, use social media to remain in contact with family and friends. Teach the kids/grandparents how to play games with their distant relatives via Facetime or X-Box. Once in a while, be sure to allow the grandparents to win. Remember they have feelings too. Work from home if you can.

On March 6, the Governor signed an emergency disaster declaration due to the coronavirus. He is asking us to follow the practical advice of the Pennsylvania Department of Health ( If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop a fever and symptoms, such as a cough or difficulty breathing, stay home and call your healthcare provider for medical advice. To slow the spread of COVID-19, Governor Wolf on March 19 ordered all non-life-sustaining businesses, such as restaurants, bar and dine-in establishments to close.

Adams County Board of Commissioners ratified the Emergency Disaster Declaration of March 18 in response to COVID-19 that creates a Leadership Council for this emergency, and also directs the County Manager and the Department of Emergency Services Director to coordinate the County’s activities and emergency response, to work with state and federal authorities, to take all the appropriate action needed to alleviate the effects of this disaster, to aid in the restoration of essential public services, and to take any other action deemed necessary. It also opens the door for Federal reimbursement, if available.

The PA primary election date has moved from April 28th to June 2nd. Remember state law changed last year so anyone can vote by mail if they so desire. Voter can request mail-in ballots by calling Adams County Director of Elections, Angie Crouse at 717-337-9832 or email If you want more information, go to the Adams County government website at

For some good news, Adams County has extended the period to receive a 2 percent discount on county property taxes from April 30th to June 30th. Residents have until Aug 30th to pay their taxes at the regular rate or a 10 percent penalty will be charged. The York Adams Tax Bureau (YATB) has extended the filing deadline for 2019 Individual Earned Income Tax Returns to July 15. This means taxpayers will have an additional 90 days to file from the original deadline of April 15th. YATB will also waive penalties and interest on 2019 earned income tax payments through the new deadline of July 15. This extension applies to both 2019 Individual tax returns and payments, and estimated payments for the first quarter of 2020. For further information, go to

The Carroll Valley Municipal Building is closed and will remain closed until deemed safe to reopen. Residents are encouraged to conduct business with the staff electronically or by phone. Check the website. Any payments or document submittals should be dropped in the silver box on the front porch of the Municipal Building, and it will be checked daily. Police also ask that if you need to file a report on a non-active incident that does not need an immediate response, call our office at 717-642-8269 ext. 185 or email pdadmin@carrollvalley or Call 911 for emergency or 717-334-8101 for non-emergency. The April Fairfield Regional Area E-Recycling event is canceled.

Questions? Call me at 301-606-2021. Keep well!

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