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Borough revitalizes Junior
Council Member program

Danielle Ryan

(10/1) Carroll Valley’s Borough Council voted during their September 10 meeting to reinstate the Borough’s Junior Council Member Program.

Wesleyville Borough, located in Erie County, Pennsylvania was the first municipality to establish the Junior Council Member back in 1999. The program was originally created to provide youth in the community with an opportunity to engage in borough government while developing leadership skills. It also allows borough officials to serve as mentors to students who will be future leaders in their communities. Junior Council members are given the opportunity to learn critical skills including team building and collaboration, public speaking, public engagement, budgeting, and running effective meetings. It also gives students the opportunity to deliberate on issues that are affecting his/her community and engage with current officials on these matters.

Carroll Valley first approved a resolution to establish this program back in 2002. According to Borough Manager Dave Hazlett, it has been more than fifteen years since the Council had a Junior member. Hazlett also mentioned via email correspondence, “There is no particular reason the Borough hasn’t been utilizing the program;” it has been many years since it was even discussed. “However,” replied Hazlett, “I suspect that the Borough found a lack of interest among students.” Borough staff, Mayor Ron Harris and current members of the Borough Council are hopeful that they will be able to find interested and engaged young leaders who would be willing to share their time and knowledge with the Carroll Valley community.

With the approval from Council members, Hazlett will work with the Fairfield Area School District to find qualified and interested high school students to participate in this program. A list of eligible individuals will be compiled and will be brought back to Council for discussion and interviews may follow before appointing a member(s). Students must be residents of the Borough of Carroll Valley and they may be appointed to a one to two-year term to coincide with the school year.

Students would have the opportunity to be seated amongst present Council members and participate in discussions as well as give their feedback on topics discussed during the course of the meeting. Junior members will be expected to attend monthly Borough Council meetings, budget sessions and any other “special” meetings. Junior members would not, however, be allowed to vote or participate in executive sessions.

Council discussed appointing someone as early as January 2020 or next September, at the beginning of the 2020 school year. Council is currently accepting applications from juniors or seniors at the high school level for this position. Any interested students are encouraged to reach out to Carroll Valley Borough staff and/or fill out an application online at

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