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PennDot takes action on Orchard Road intersection

Danielle Ryan

(7/30) The intersection of Orchard Rd. and Route 16 (Waynesboro Pike) is finally undergoing construction to make it safer for vehicular traffic. Residents of Liberty Township and those who travel the route often are excited that action has finally been taken to make this location safer.

This intersection has been a major source of vehicular accidents for the past several years. Most recently, on February 9, just three weeks after a fatal accident on January 19, which took the life of an eleven-year-old girl, a young man was seriously injured in a car accident involving himself and a tractor-trailer. Residents of Liberty Township have been tired of bearing witness to accidents occurring at the same location without any intervention from the state to make safety changes, and have been urging officials to do something.

After the more recent accidents, residents and Township officials decided to petition the state to construct a turning lane on Route 16. After being run through the gambit of state road officials, including the traffic division of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT), Liberty Township Supervisor Mickey Barlow was told that PennDOT "cant help you with that situation, that’s a township road issue," and there isn’t much more to be done on their end. Seeing this as an unacceptable answer, petitions and information were sent to State Senators and Representatives in hopes of raising more awareness for this issue.

After a meeting between Representative Dan Moul and PennDOT, it was decided that a temporary digital sign would be placed showing drivers’ speed approaching the intersection. PennDot also agreed to draw up plans for the potential addition of a turning lane on Waynesboro Pike at its intersection with Orchard Road. Now, finally, after months, the state has decided to take action and fix the intersection, which will hopefully minimize accidents at this intersection in the future.

State Representative Dan Moul sent Liberty Township officials an email containing a rough outline of work on this project. The scope of the project will be to add a designated center left turn lane for southbound traffic. Representative Moul also asked PennDot to consider installing rumble-type strips in the painted lines forcing straight thru southbound traffic into the right lane.

Work is slated to begin on August 1, contingent upon the relocation of the utility poles. This project will take an estimated 6six to eight weeks to complete, bring the completion date to October 15. Traffic delays can be expected throughout the course of this project.

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