(3/29) The 6th U.S. is cut to pieces; there are less than a hundred of them left." - Union cavalryman (Battle of Fairfield)
The Fairfield Sesquicentennial Committee (FSC) continued to fine-tune proposed Civil War-related activities to be held this spring in the borough.
The three-day event is being held in conjunction with the 150th Anniversary of the American Civil War, which activities planned for each year of the five-year commemoration..
The actual Battle of Fairfield’s 150th anniversary will be in 2013, the same as Gettysburg’s, and had been fought in conjunction with the Gettysburg Campaign in 1863.
This year, FSC has scheduled its event to be held on May 4 through 6, and will focus on "pivotal events that occurred in the village of Fairfield during the Civil War."
Some highlights of the event, which will continue to undergo fine-tuning in April, include a reenactment of the Battle of Fairfield, a clash that occurred in and around the town around 2 p.m. on July 3, 1863, as the massive Confederate cannonade commenced in Gettysburg, preliminary to the so-called "Pickett’s Charge."
Also planned are numerous speakers addressing various war-related topics about the Battle of Fairfield and the conflict in general, a living history encampment, a performance by the South Carolina String Band at a bonfire gathering at the Fairfield Inn, and presentation of the roll of honor (reading of all the citizens of Hamiltonban, Liberty and Fairfield that
participated in the Civil War), lunch with Mrs. Lee, and a Taste of History (1860s period food).
Activities will be held in various locations in the town, including Fairfield Inn, while the battle will be held at Landis Field.
The battle in Fairfield took place after Confederate General Robert E. Lee ordered several Virginia cavalry units to secure passage of the Hagerstown Road, leading to their arrival in Fairfield on a collision course with the 6th U.S. Cavalry.
The U.S. Cavalry was in the process of reconnoitering to verify reports that Confederate wagon trains had been reported in-motion in the area.
The battle produced a decisive Confederate victory, with Union forces suffering 232 casualties (more than 50 percent of their forces. Confederate casualties consisted of eight killed, 21 wounded, and five missing (http://www.historynet.com).
A complete schedule of events and times will be announced.