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2022 Adams County Conservation District
 tree sale

The Adams County Conservation District is excited to announce that in 2022 we are partnering with the Watershed Alliance of Adams County and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation's Keystone 10 Million Trees Partnership to supply over 7,500 freenative trees and shrubs to Adams County residents. The only stipulation to request free trees and shrubs is that you be willing to share where your trees will be planted and include before and after photos of your planting.

To request your free trees and shrubs through our online order form visit

The order deadline is March 23rd and the pick-up dates are April 7th, 8th, 9th at the

Adams County Conservation District Pole Building, 670 Old Harrisburg Road, Gettysburg.

Trees and shrubs will come in a variety of sizes. Most will be approximately 1-2 feet tall, and be either bare root packed in wet newspaper, or potted in a 3’’ x 3’’ x 9’’ or 1 gallon pot. A five-foot tree shelter and a two-foot shrub shelter, stake, zip-ties and bird-netting will be supplied with each tree and shrub.

We make every effort to fulfill requested species and amounts; however, due to availability and ordering stipulations we can not guarantee exact requests. If a selection is sold out, orders are placed on a first-ordered basis or partially filled. Once we receive our order confirmations from the nurseries, we will email your confirmed species list and pick-up details in the last week in March. Planting labor must be organized by the person requesting the trees and shrubs. Planting projects should be completed by May 31st.

This year’s native tree species being given away include: American Beech, American Plum, Balsam Fir, Basswood, Black Cherry, Eastern Hemlock, Eastern Redbud, Eastern White Pine, Flowering Dogwood, Paw Paw, Persimmon, Pin Oak, Red Maple,

Red Oak, River Birch, Scarlet Oak, Sugar Maple, Swamp White Oak, Sweet Gum, Sycamore, Tulip Poplar, White Oak, and White Spruce.

This year’s native Shrubs species being given away include: American Hazelnut, Arrowwood, Black Chokeberry, Blackhaw Viburnum, Buttonbush, Elderberry, Highbush Blueberry, Nannyberry, Pussy Willow, Red Chokeberry, Red-Osier, Dogwood, Serviceberry, Silky Dogwood, Spicebush, Sweet Pepper Bush, Winterberry, Witch Hazel.

If you’d like to be on our e-mail distribution list, please call Sarah Spencer

at 717-334-0636 or email

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