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Phiel and Martin announce bid for re-election

(1/1) Adams County Commissioners, Chairman Randy Phiel and Vice Chairman Jim Martin, announced their bid for re-election at a well attended breakfast event held at the Dobbin House on December 11. The event was sponsored by State Senator Rich Alloway and was attended by approximately 140 supporters, including most of the Adams County elected row officers, Congressman Elect John Joyce, Congressman Scott Perry's representative Holly Sutphin, State Representative Dan Moul, State Representative Torren Ecker and other community leaders.

Senator Alloway, Randy Phiel, District Attorney Brian Sinnett,
Jim Martin and Representative Dan Moul pictured at the
Phiel/Martin campaign announcement.

Senator Alloway kicked off the event by telling the crowd that Phiel and Martin "were the right individuals for the job at the time they first ran in 2011, have performed with distinction, and have done a fabulous job of running the county." Alloway reminded the gathering that Phiel's first campaign pledge back in 2011 is still appropriate today - Respecting Our Past and Planning Our Future! Representative Moul said he has worked with the pair for seven years and really "appreciates their outstanding work with state and federal legislators to get things done." He said apart from their outstanding teamwork, Phiel and Martin do what is best for Adams County families. Newly elected 13th congressional district Congressman Dr. John Joyce voiced his support for Phiel and Martin and called them "exemplary men." Legislative aide Holly Sutphin shared comments from Congressman Scott Perry sharing his appreciation, support and backing for Martin and Phiel’s re-election.

At the beginning of his remarks Phiel directed the attention of those gathered in the ballroom to the Martin/Phiel campaign banner from their campaign four year ago. At the center of the banner, surrounding the historic Adams County Courthouse cupola, were the words: Experience, Leadership, Common Sense and Vision. Phiel remarked that a very important and significant word was being added for this campaign - Results! Phiel also told the gathering that for he and Martin "to have the support of the cross section of public officials, friends and family that we have in this room this morning is truly an honor and a privilege that Jim and I are very aware of."

Phiel and Martin have accomplished so much already during their time serving the County as Commissioners. A few of the accomplishments achieved thus far include: overall financial stability for the county with two bond rating increases; three very successful department consolidations and realignments; the new digital 911 radio system; critically needed upgrading of vehicles and equipment; significant advancement of the county IT Department and its electronic information retention, dispersal, and protection; the Adams County Law Enforcement Firearms Training Range that finally came to fruition after years of lip service, with no taxpayer dollars on county owned land. Additionally, by re-purposing an empty facility, and creating a better human services environment, the new Human Services Building resulted in getting the county out of approximately $450,000 worth of rents and leases. Providing human services in a single county owned facility was a significant and positive success that required the cooperation of many county departments and staff. The relationship that this board has with Federal and State officials has proved to be excellent and has yielded results.

Looking forward, Phiel and Martin hope to accomplish much more if re-elected, and noted that there are more worthy projects on the horizon. Converting the empty Mercy House on High Street to the first Substance Recovery Center in Adams County is currently on the Board’s platter. Most of the renovation funding will come from grants and the county will still own the renovated property beside the old St. Francis school while collecting rent from the RASE Project who will manage the program and supervised facility. Additionally, the "new courthouse" built in the 70's, now almost 50 years old, will soon need some attention and upgrades.

Adams County economy is slowing improving, but admittedly has been very challenging during this Board’s tenure, noted Phiel. Both Commissioners said they are proud to see the county’s agri-tourism industry grow rapidly. Along with some other potential economic areas, the Board has been an advocate for the Gettysburg Station (REDDI) site on N. Stratton St. since coming into office. Both Martin and Phiel said they can't wait for the day the first shovel goes into the ground.

Martin said he had four main reasons for running for County Commissioner again. He said, "being a Commissioner is rewarding, and that he and Phiel desire to do even more." Martin drew on the proven experience of making county government operate effectively in the past and present. Martin also mentioned the "accumulated resources to do our job well and to deliver a return on that investment is an extra incentive." Martin said that, "thankfully our families are giving us the green light for another term."

Phiel said there is no doubt that the best part of the job beside work related successes, is having the opportunity to meet so many wonderful staff and residents from all around the county, who he otherwise would have never have an opportunity to meet and work with. He said, "just looking around the room at the standing room only crowd proves my point." Additionally, Phiel said that moving forward he would like to continue to help to provide superior human services and consistently effective operational and fiscal management, cultivate a superior work environment for staff, maintain the county's current fiscal health, and keep lines of communication with county residents open.

Both Phiel and Martin concluded their remarks by recognizing their families for their support in allowing them to serve with 100% commitment. Phiel thanked everyone for coming to the breakfast announcement, and Martin recognized those in attendance for their efforts and contributions to Adams County.

Newcomer, David Bolton, has also announced his candidacy for Adams County Commissioner. Although he has not served as a County Commissioner before he brings years of service to the County with his involvement in many local governments that make him a viable candidate for Adams County Commissioner. "County Commissioners," said Bolton, "are responsible for a myriad of duties in areas of which I have education and experience."

As a Certified Borough Official through the Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs (PSAB) and a Certified Municipal Administrator through the PA Department of Community and Economic Development, Bolton has been educated in best practices and has demonstrated such by leading meetings in the various organizations and committees on which he serves. Additionally, as a Municipal Administrator, Legislative Chair for the Adams County Boroughs Association and voting member to the PSAB Resolution and Policy Committee, he is well versed in the writing, vetting and adoption processes involved with ordinances, resolutions, motions and regulations.

In regards to budget and finances, Bolton was responsible for both at Abbottstown Borough and was also involved for two terms in McSherrystown Council budgets. "Being involved with Capital Budgets for municipalities, various governmental and non-profit organizations, as well as my education, I vow to put fiscally-conservative principles at the front of Adams County business decisions," stated Bolton. While serving as a Municipal Administrator and Deputy Tax Collector, he has also built a working knowledge of the County’s processes and the funding needed to ensure the proper execution of our provided services. Bolton said, "As Commissioner, I will work for the most efficient operations budget to stave off unnecessary future tax increases while maintaining our services."

With over 20 years of successful business management in various supervisory roles, as well as his education and experience in promoting effective workplace environments, Bolton noted that he would bring an attitude of empowerment and professional development to the Courthouse staff. "Invest in The People and The Organization will thrive!" Bolton’s experience also extends to information dissemination. Having worked as an Internet Sales and Marketing Manager for a major car dealership and working as a Marketing Consultant, Bolton understands the importance IT plays in Operational Excellence. He has interacted with the County IT department for many years, and has supported their efforts and successes as they continue to improve the county’s operations.

Finally, as a formerly appointed and currently elected State Constable, Bolton has extensively studied the election process in Adams County. He got involved to ensure the highest standards of integrity were maintained in the election process and promises to do so as a member of the Board of Elections as Commissioner.

The Adams County Primary Election will be held on May 21. Let your voice be heard and cast your vote for your next County Commissioners.

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