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Your Horse Riding Gear Handbook

(12/24) Are you just beginning your horseback riding journey? You must be thinking that there's a lot of equipment you'll need and you're right; there is. No need to worry, though; we've compiled a simple list of the most basic equestrian essentials. We'll even throw some tips, tricks, and alternatives in to help you save money and make sure you have the best start on your equestrian journey.

Rider equipment

As an aspiring rider, here's what you'll need to start:

  • Riding pants - Horse Pilot riding pants are an essential accessory for riding. They can be called breeches, jodhpurs, riding jeans, or other names. They basically consist of stretchy material with no inside seams to help the rider be as comfortable as possible on the saddle. Horse Pilot Riding Pants are some of our favorites.
  • Footwear - Horse riding footwear is not limited to one thing. However, it is important that whatever you use has a heel of at least one inch. This is to prevent your feet from sliding out of the stirrups and causing accidents. Some riding footwear includes Horse Riding Boots, Jodhpur Boots, riding shoes, and others.
  • Gloves - Gloves aid in comfort while riding, especially when making use of new equipment like saddles that haven't been broken into yet. Wearing gloves also prevents your hands from slipping because of sweat when riding.
  • Shirt - Like shoes, there is no specific shirt for riding as long as it is breathable and does not restrict movement.
  • Riding Helmet - This is another riding essential, and no, you can't use a bicycle helmet instead. Remember safety first, so ensure you come to your lessons with a riding helmet unless one is provided for you.
  • Riding Vest - This is another safety precaution. They are worn to protect your torso and everything inside of it if you happen to fall off your horse.

Riding gear

Here is a brief overview of what you need for actual horse riding, even if you don't have a horse of your own (yet).

  • Saddle - This is used for stability and comfort while riding for both the horse and rider. Fun fact: you can customize your saddle to suit your personal taste and comfort.
  • Bit - This is to give the rider control of the horse's head. It is important to note that horse mouths are sensitive so you have to be careful to avoid harming the horse.
  • Reins - Reins are used to help the rider communicate with and control the horse, either to speed up, slow down, or stop completely.
  • Grooming equipment - These include materials like brushes, shampoo, and bathing equipment; a detangler for the horse's mane and tail; and other tools to make sure your horse always looks its best.

Hopefully, with this list, you'll be prepared to start your equestrian journey. Good luck.