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What To Know About Interstate Rest Stops

Interstate rest stops are a staple of road trips, and they're a great way to break up long drives. But there are some things you should know about interstate rest stops before you pull into one. In this post, we'll explore a few benefits of interstate rest stops.

The Purpose of Rest Stops

Rest stops are a great way to break up the monotony of driving, and they can help you get back on track if your trip is interrupted by illness or an accident. They're also a good place to stop and grab a bite to eat if you need to stretch your legs.

But what are rest stops actually for? Well, it depends on where they are. Some rest stops provide fuel and snacks, while others have WiFi and showers. You should be aware that some rest stops will charge you for using their services, while others offer them at no cost. You should always check before pulling over!

Location of Rest Stops

The Interstate Highway System was designed with rest stops in mind, so most rest stops are located near gas stations, restaurants, and stores. Some rest areas have picnic tables and play areas for children, but many do not have these features because they are designed to give you a place to relax rather than stay for long periods of time.

Safety at Rest Stops

Rest stops are a place to stop and regroup, but they can also be a great place to have fun. Here are a few tips for making sure your next rest stop is safe:

  • First, always make sure there's a bathroom.
  • Make sure you're not alone when you're using the bathroom - if possible, bring a friend or family member with you.
  • Don't go into any bathrooms that look suspicious, or if there's no one else in them. If anything seems off about the bathroom, go find another one and use that instead!

Accessibility at Rest Stops

Rest stops are required to have designated parking spots for disabled drivers, as well as bathrooms and other facilities that are accessible to people with disabilities. If your car is parked at an interstate rest stop, be sure to ask before entering any building whether it's wheelchair accessible. There may be an elevator or ramp that can help get you inside safely and comfortably.

Maintenance and Upkeep of Rest Stops

Rest stops can vary in terms of their upkeep depending on how old they are and funding they receive from the state. If you notice anything out of order, such as graffiti or trash around the building or grounds, let management know immediately so that they can address the issue quickly.


We hope you have enjoyed this article on interstate rest stops. We have tried to give you all the things that you need to know about interstate rest stops. If there are any more questions or concerns, please feel free to ask in the comments section below.