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The most popular ways to bet on
 the NFL in the previous season

(4/17) In the last couple of years, sports betting has become an integral part of the sports experience in America. Even if one is not interested in placing wagers on games, one is constantly reminded that the possibility to place bets exists through adverts on social media on the TV in conjunction with games being played.

These last couple of years one has been able to observe how the interest has been growing, but in the last year, the mass adoption came to stay. More people than ever are interested in betting on sports in all forms, something that is more than likely going to continue in the coming years. Regardless of what one's own interest in betting on sports might look like, it can be interesting to get an understanding of what the market for sports betting looks like in the USA, and what the most popular forms of betting on NFL lines look like.

Picking the winner of a game

This is the simplest form of betting on the NFL that's available, but just because it's not very complex does not mean that it's not popular. In this form of betting, the player simply picks the team that he or she believes is going to come away with the win after four quarters of football has been played. This is a very accessible form of betting and is for many people the first place they start out when they start on their betting journey.

Combination bets/parlays

For the bettors looking to have a bit more flexibility in the way that they choose to bet, this is usually the betting style of choice. Parlays and combination bets have become one of the most popular forms of betting available and for many, it's the best way to get an entertaining betting experience. As implied by the name, combination bets (or parlays as they're more commonly called) are a form of betting where the player in question chooses a variety of different things that can happen throughout the course of a game. By combining all of these different things under the umbrella of one bet, one can increase the odds and potential payout received if one happens to win the bet in question. Due to the potential to receive big payouts, this is also a very popular form of gambling. Parlays are more or less endlessly customizable and can be tailored to fit into whatever way one wishes to place a bet.

Bets that stretch the entirety of a season

For those not very interested in betting, but wishing to add some extra spice to the running of the season, there is no better way to bet than to utilize bets that run throughout the course of a season. These bets can give the bettor in question something to keep track of while the season is in full swing and is for many a nice and laid-back way to bet.