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How I'm going to rip you off by giving you useless homework tips

Adrian Lomezzo

(3/9) OK, lets be very clear, what the author want to do is get you to go to site that is helps students cheat - and not very well,.  They higher people who speaks English as a third or forth language and who's only goal is to met a word count - and they will do that by putting together a bunch of paragraphs that will be nothing more then gibberish - that is is if you are lucky!!!!

The odds are better that they will demand payment up front, and just like Adrian did to me, fail to deliver anything to you in my case, (In my case I post his fucking article then he refused to pay me for my work)- instead they will keep changing their demands on you, keep asking for more and more money, until such time as you give up and say fuck 'em.

And do you really think your teachers are that stupid that they will not know you didn't write it - and that you used a cheating site? The best you can hope for is to get a F in the paper, it's more likely you'll get thrown out of school ... I'd live to be a fly on the wall when you try to explain that to your parents!

And lets face it, who are you going to complain too when they rip you off? Are you going to tell you school the company you tried to higher to to help you cheat stole from you? Let's face it, with Adrian you're shit out of luck.

In my case however, I can give Adrian the big middle finger and post this note and make sure you never, ever, go to the useless website he got paid to say was great - which it isn't!

So lets be clear, any website with a name of www dot domyhomework123 dot com and www dot .killer-papers dot com are web sites for cheaters - only people headed for failure will go to it - the people that work for it are the same folks who went to cheating sites when they were in school and the only work they can get now is ones paying then $2/hour.

Is that what you really want for your life?

If not, join me in giving Adrian the big middle finger and open a book and apply you mind to your studies.  And while you are at it, let Adrian's company know what you think about them promoting students cheating in schools.

OK, I'm done, now you can read Adrian dribble....

It is a common sight; after school hours, you find yourself getting occupied (intentionally and unintentionally) with other tasks and activities, leaving out homework. Do not be surprised; you are not facing this issue alone. More people face it than you care to know.

Most people do not enjoy being told to do their homework. Not everyone enjoys doing homework too. But homework needs to be done, whether you want to or not. Hence you need to find effective and efficient ways to get homework done, or else your grades might drop, and many other things can follow suit.

This article will give you some valuable and easy homework tips which will change your game and help you become quite the homework master. Read on to learn more.

3 Valuable Homework Tips For Students

If you do not find who will "help with my homework," you must complete it yourself. Here are some helpful homework tips:

Understand the Homework

When the homework comes, always have a copy. Read through it, and clarify what you do not understand and what you are to submit. It is better to take extra time asking your teachers about the homework requirements than to call your mates after school asking for information that might be wholly inaccurate.

Make a List

See it this way, if you write notes to take to the supermarket and ensure you get all you need, why can’t you do the same for homework? Doing things this way ensures you know what you need to do. It also helps to ensure you finish everything on your list; such is the magic of having a list.

Everything pertaining to homework should be on the list, from drawing graphs to taking a peek at a Spanish dictionary. It will also help you learn how to plan for the future. We all need this skill anyways. Of course, if you need to take a break you might be able to get a killer papers discount code.

Add breaks to your schedule

Everyone likes breaks; hence, you should take advantage of this fact. Apart from the fact that breaks help your brain to rest up between tasks, it also helps you focus better. You can move all other activities to your scheduled breaks, giving you more time to focus on the homework tasks. We all need breaks, and they do not hurt us in any way.


Homework needs to be done, so why not find better ways to approach it? Who knows? This could be an excellent way to endear yourself to your classmates and teachers and develop yourself going forward. Read the tips in the article to get better at doing homework.