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Six Helpful Tips on Setting Goals for Students: Start Your Journey Toward Your Dreams Today

(1/19) As the new year is slowly unfolding before us like a fragile bud of an unfamiliar flower, we are watching it with curiosity and wariness. What will it bring us? Academic success? New friends? We do not know, and yet we keep repeating to ourselves a hopeful mantra that it will be happier than the previous one.

The pandemic has made our lives so unpredictable that we do not dare to build grand plans. But we can surely do our utmost to become our better selves this year.

Melody Beattie, an American author and life coach, wrote, "The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals." Whatever we dream about, big or small, a walkable bridge to all these wonderful things can be built only from goals that we set and achieve one by one.

Some people have extremely vivid and detailed dreams, and they rush towards them without taking a minute to think through the specific route they are going to take, and, so, they often get lost along the way. Others, on the contrary, do not have a clear picture of their future and do not really know what they want – they live their lives wandering around and feeling lost, subconsciously longing for something they do not have.

Goal-setting strategies can help both types to start living a more productive life. But even if you do not belong to either group, honing your goal-setting skills will bring you a wide range of benefits. For example, it will boost your motivation, increase your energy levels and self-confidence, enhance your organizational and decision-making skills.

According to Dr. Robert Marzano, students who set clear academic goals do significantly better (between 18 and 41 percent) than their less organized peers. We, together with experts who write essays for me by DoMyEssay, an essay writing service for students, have gathered for you the six most effective practical tips that will make your journey towards your goal more well-planned, inspired, and enjoyable.

Become a Self-Expert

You would not try to pass a complex exam on a subject you have just started studying. First, you would read textbooks, take notes, and do lots of hands-on exercises. Similarly, before setting a goal and forcing yourself to achieve it, you need to get to know yourself better.

There are various methods and techniques that can help you raise your self-awareness. But you can always start with asking yourself simple questions and giving yourself time to find an honest answer:

  • What did you especially like doing when you were a child?
  • What activities make you lose track of time?
  • What do your teachers praise you for?
  • If you ordered an autobiographical essay from an essay writing service, what do you think a professional writer would write about you?
  • If you were a college professor, which subject would you like to be teaching?
  • If you wrote a book about yourself, what would you call it?

Knowledge is power, and self-knowledge is a superpower that will help you achieve your goals by building on your strengths.

Turn Journaling Into Your Secret Weapon

Every superhero needs a secret weapon to win the battle with procrastination. Journaling is one of the most effective ones! Writing down your goals significantly increases your chances of achieving them. You can develop your own worksheets and complete them for each new goal.

Do not forget to set the goal completion deadline, specify the particular steps you will take, and describe the result you want to get. You could also write down all the things that can help you along the way. You will discover that journaling can make the process of working towards your dreams much more rewarding.

Make Use of an Effective Toolkit

We do not doubt your ability to invent a new super-efficient goal-setting system. On the contrary, we believe in you! But before you start, why not take a look at the existing methods?

The good old SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timebound) model is as effective as ever. You could also try googling HARD goals, WOOP goals, Locke and Latham’s five principles of goal setting, and the legendary OKR (objectives and key result) system developed by Andrew Grove.

Learn from Your Role Models

One of the best ways to help you rush towards your dreams is to find a role model who can inspire you. Oprah Winfrey, Joan Rowling, Denzel Washington, Jackie Chan, and Bono can all be wonderful role models from whom you can learn goal-setting skills. But it can also be your family member, your teacher, or even one of your friends.

Set Goals That Really Matter to You

Your genuine passionate desire to accomplish something is one of the two essential predictors of success. When you believe in what you are doing, your very goal will light up the path. And what is the second predictor? Well, we bet you have already guessed that - it is your commitment to take small steps towards your goal on a daily basis. Dreams don’t work unless you do.

Think of the Award System

Celebrate your accomplishments, even if they are not grand ones. After all, it is never too late to develop your growth mindset. If something is not working out as planned, all you need to do is add the magical word "yet" – you are just not there yet.

Remember that you can always ask your family and friends to help you. And when you feel that you are overwhelmed by the sheer amount of tasks at hand, there is always a possibility to look for help online. Do not give up! Be your own biggest fan and supporter.

Final Thought

On a trip, you need a map, a torch, a flask, and some other vital things. We hope, in this post, we have equipped you with some of the most effective tools you can use on your way to your goals. But remember, no matter how well-packed your backpack is, your journey will not start until you take the first step. So, do not put off making your dreams come true till tomorrow. Start today!