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6 Signs of Psychopathy in a Partner

(4/25) Knowing whether your partner has a mental health condition or shows signs of psychopathy is difficult. You may be struggling with knowing whether you should ask your partner to get help for the fears and symptoms they're experiencing.

Of course, not everyone with psychopathic tendencies or symptoms is the same, and sometimes the symptoms that often get labeled as "psychopathic" are a result of a different mental health condition altogether. Here are six of the main signs of psychopathy to watch out for in your partner and a bit of information on how to get help for them.

Socially Risky and Impulsive Behavior

Those who fall under the label of psychopath often have socially risky behavior. They may act out in social situations or simply fail to make friendships or have normal relationships with others. They often take risks that others wouldn't, potentially putting themselves and others in danger.

Difficulty Showing or Feeling Empathy

Empathy is something most people understand. It means being able to feel remorse when you hurt others and being able to feel hurt when other people are hurt. It also means sharing the happy emotions in life with those you love and being able to experience loving feelings simply by connecting with someone. People with psychopathy often are unable to experience these feelings.

Lying Often

Lying is another symptom of psychopathy. If the person is constantly lying, or you find out later on in your relationships that nothing they've told you is true, you're likely dealing with this condition. Remember, however, that lying is a symptom of many mental illnesses.


Those experiencing psychopathic symptoms often feel grandiose or better than everyone else. They may believe that they are extremely important and deserve more than someone else, even if they haven't gone above and beyond to do a good job. It can come out as them saying things like, "no one understands this as I do."

Manipulative Behavior

Your partner may also showcase manipulative behavior. They may try to steer the conversation in one way or the other and could try to manipulate you into believing them about something that isn't true. They may also even blame you for their own actions.

False Charm or Love Bombing

At the beginning of your relationship, you may find this person extra charming and loving. They may buy you lots of presents, take you out often, and make themselves into the perfect partner. They will seem like your soulmate until they don't. One day they may change, and suddenly you find yourself being the wrong thing for them every day.

How to Get Help

It's important to note that many of these symptoms are also symptoms of other mental health conditions like narcissistic personality disorder and borderline personality disorder, as well as PTSD. If you suspect your partner is struggling with any of these symptoms, the best method of action is to convince them to see a professional.

If your partner refuses to see a professional or is unable to see their own behavioral patterns, remember that it's okay for you to leave them and set your own boundaries. You don't need to stay with someone who continues to hurt you and themselves time and time again.

The best form of therapy for these symptoms is DBT, also known as dialectical behavioral therapy. It is made for those who struggle with emotions and behavioral issues.


If you want to learn more about psychopathy and the symptoms associated
 with it, as well as how to get help for someone who struggles with it,
check out BetterHelp's great advice column today.