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Online Presentation of Your Academic Work

(2/22) The Best Tips for a Successful Defense via Video Conference...

Each study paper includes a final presentation of the results. In this academic task, the examinees present their work, summarize the most important findings and answer the questions of their examiner. As a rule, this final presentation takes place in the form of a lecture in a small group. In addition to the presence of the examining professors, academic supervisors, parts of the associated chair, industrial partners or even fellow students can take part in this event.

In special cases, however, the defense of your study work (this is the old-fashioned name of the final presentation) can also take place via video conference.

It doesn't matter if you're stuck at home with a broken leg, your examiner is stuck in America due to a missed plane, or a full-blown pandemic is wreaking havoc. There are many good reasons for not holding the presentation of a student research project live, but online. However, there are some special features to consider with this type of test. Online is not the same as offline.

For this reason, I have put together the best tips for presenting your study work online via video conference in this article. Stick to the following strategies and nothing stands in the way of a successful colloquium.

The Main Differences Between an Offline and Online Presentation

Regardless of whether you face your examiner in person or are connected via video conference: the basic procedure for presenting your student research project is always similar. The point is that you present the essential findings of your work precisely and correctly and prove in the subsequent oral examination that you have understood the topic. However, there are some significant differences between an online and offline presentation.

These are the biggest differentiators of a video conference compared to a face-to-face lecture:

  • In the online presentation, the focus is more clearly on the content.
  • Body language and facial expressions are less important.
  • Voice and confident language, on the other hand, are more important.
  • The personal level between the examinee and examiner is less pronounced.
  • The interaction during the exam situation is significantly reduced.
  • The preparation for the two types of lectures differs significantly.

However, these differences do not have to be to your disadvantage. It just depends on how you deal with the situation and how you can use these framework conditions optimally for yourself. The following tips will help you with that.

Before the Online Presentation of Your Study Work

In the time before your video conference, you can have the greatest influence on the subsequent presentation. Your preparation thus plays a key role and should therefore be used wisely. Use the following tips as a guide:

Clarify the Scope of the Exam

As explained at the beginning, as a first step you should find out whether an online presentation of your study work is possible and - if so - how this can be structured. Your university will often show you various options for holding a colloquium via video conference.

Familiarize yourself with these regulations and coordinate with your examiner as early as possible how you want your presentation to proceed. Are there any special requirements for your course? Does your examiner have any special requests? Who ensures that the exam can run smoothly? When does the exam take place?

Familiarize Yourself with the Software

There are countless software solutions that enable video conferencing - and there are just as many differences in terms of how they are used. Therefore, it is important that you familiarize yourself with the technology before your online presentation.

What are the most important operating options? How do I move through the slides? How do I operate the microphone and webcam? How can I make notes or highlights? Are there any special features compared to other video services? The best thing to do is to watch some online tutorials on the software you are using and research some best practice operating strategies.

Technology Check

If you are allowed to use your own equipment to present your thesis, you should test it beforehand and make sure that everything works as intended. In addition to your computer, headset and camera are particularly important. First, check whether your headset is OK - in terms of the input and output signal.

How is the sound quality? Is the volume set correctly? Are there sources of interference near your workplace that you should switch off beforehand? The same applies to the camera: is the picture section suitable? What can you see? What's the resolution? Is the camera lens clean? Is the lighting ok? Is the picture too light or too dark? Is there a window or other source of disturbance in your room that could blind you?

Mental Preparation

The closer the date of your final presentation gets, the greater the nervousness is. Excitement and an increased adrenaline level are part of it, but you should not overwhelm yourself with the exam situation leave. Instead, try to set a positive mindset and eliminate self-doubt. The first step is to accept the situation as it is.

Don't suppress oppressive thoughts but face the challenge. Realize that the presentation of your student work is a great honor for you and that not everyone is given this opportunity. You should also realize that you are an expert on the subject and probably know it best of all the people present. Be confident but not overbearing. Show people what you made. Present your results with critical distance.

Practical Preparation

The practical preparation of your online presentation includes - in addition to dealing with the content of the topic so that you can answer all questions - all measures that help your colloquium to run smoothly. For example, create a lecture script with the most important core ideas so that you can look up needs.

Provide (if permissible) helpful documents and additional information that you can refer to. If necessary, create backup slides with background information, further data, derivations, or detailed references. Last but not least, make sure you have stationery handy, your smartphone is off, and a glass of water by your side during your presentation.


The presentation of a study paper via video conference is a great opportunity to combine education and digitization. In addition, this form of examination can be used flexibly and, thanks to its location independence, can make it easier for everyone involved to find an appointment.

However, if you want to use this form of presentation successfully for your studies, you should note a few special features and prepare yourself accordingly for the defense of your student research project. Of course, paraphrasing services come in handy too when you have just too many assignments waiting to be finished.