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Is Kratom a Good Libido
Enhancement Supplement?

(4/11) Native to Southeast Asia, kratom is a magical plant, well known for its unique alkaloid profile. Rich in nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants, kratom can provide relaxation, increased focus, sedation, enhanced energy, mood enhancement, and other effects.

Kratom leaves are especially effective in providing relief from melancholy moods, uneasy and discomfort feelings, and muscle pain. While researchers still thoroughly investigate kratom's range of potential health benefits, an increasing number of kratom enthusiasts firmly believe it can help with libido enhancement.

Kratom is widely available in countless stores all over the world. You can find it in many forms, such as capsules, powder, and dried leaves. It's available in online specialty stores, vape shops, and health food stores. People use kratom to deal with opioid addiction and withdrawal, treat depression, and handle pain.

However, the US government classifies it as an opioid due to two active compounds - mitragynine and 7-hydroxy-mitragynine. Both alkaloids interact with opioid receptors in the brain, making kratom somewhat addictive.

To find out more about kratom products, you can access the various sources available online. You don't have to worry about the availability of kratom since a single search for kratom near me will give you many numbers of results. Before you do, let's see how this plant can help with libido enhancement.

Libido enhancement and other health benefits

Kratom provides a wide range of effects that vary from person to person. While there is no evidence supporting the claim that kratom can enhance libido, a 2018 kratom study showed that regular kratom use might help elevate prolactin levels.

Prolactin is a hormone that can interfere and disrupt the secretion of other necessary hormones for normal erectile function, such as gonadotropin. Excess amounts of prolactin can lead to low libido, erectile dysfunction, and testosterone disbalance.

The study above found discontinued kratom use resulted in lower prolactin levels and increased testosterone in some patients. It revealed that kratom could promote relaxation and discomfort relief that could help increase libido in some people.

Some other kratom effects could help with libido enhancement, including:

  • Increased confidence
  • Relief from uneasy feelings
  • Temporary relief of physical discomfort
  • Increased excitement

Libido-boosting kratom strains

Each kratom strain has unique effects. Those effects depend on a specific strain's color, native region, and growing conditions. The three most common types of kratom by color include:

  • White vein kratom - excellent for pain relief and boosting energy;
  • Red vein kratom - a brilliant option for alleviating physical discomfort and providing sedative effects;
  • Green vein kratom - famous for increasing energy levels, improving focus, and making the user slightly euphoric.

Generally speaking, the best kratom strains for libido enhancement are green and white varieties, famous for their energy-boosting, mood-enhancing, and focus-increasing effects. Red strains are more potent and can be too sedative.

Some of the most notable libido-boosting strains include:

  • White Thai - This strain will put you in the right mood by promoting feelings of increased energy, excitement, and relaxation.
  • White Bali - Being a fantastic mood enhancer, this strain will help you relax by making you feel mildly euphoric but without any sedative effects.
  • Green Bali - Most people prefer enhancing their libido by relaxing, and this strain is a perfect choice for that.
  • Green Cambodian - This strain is famous for increasing mood, energy, stamina, focus, and mental clarity.
  • Maeng Da - This strain might be the best option for boosting libido, as it promotes better energy levels, a relaxed mentality, and enhanced mood.

Aside from choosing the right kratom strain for libido enhancement, you should also pay special attention to your daily kratom dosage. In most situations, people dealing with a low libido usually suffer from other physical or mental conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and stress.

Since red and green strains can be excellent for providing relief from said conditions, they might be enough to solve your libido problem.

Kratom dosage for libido enhancement

The effect you get from kratom depends significantly on the amount you consume. If you're looking to enhance your libido, you can determine the right amount by your gender and body weight.

The average doses for men according to their weight are:

  • Below 150 pounds: 0.75-1.5 grams
  • 150-210 pounds: 1.5-2.25 grams
  • Above 210 pounds: 2.25-3 grams

The average doses for women according to their weight include:

  • Below 150 pounds: 0.25-0.50 grams
  • 150-210 pounds: 0.50-0.75 grams
  • Above 210 pounds: 0.75-1.00 grams

Be sure not to exceed the recommended dosage to avoid experiencing potential adverse effects and building up a tolerance.


Now that you have some basic information, it's time to choose your preferred kratom form and start working on that libido. Extracts and powders are the most popular products, but capsules and tinctures can also do the trick.