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The ultimate guide to cannabis accessories

(3/29) There is no one size fits all approach when it comes to cannabis. Some people prefer smoking it while others enjoy consuming concentrates or edibles. Apart from different consumption methods, there are also many different accessories such as pipes, bongs, bongs with percolators, vapes, and many more. With all of these options available, it can be quite challenging to decide which cannabis accessories are right for you so in this guide, we will help you determine which accessories are best according to your specific needs, touching on everything from the different types of accessories on the market to their benefits and prices, so keep reading.

What are the different types of cannabis accessories available on the market today?

In the world of cannabis consumption, cannabis accessories are designed and sold to improve the smoking experience of consumers. There are many different types of cannabis accessories available as well and each has its benefits. Some of the most popular accessories that most people are familiar with include bongs, pipes, and the newly popular vaporizers. When choosing a cannabis accessory, it is important to consider your needs and preferences to make the right decision. You also need to keep in mind that some accessories, such as dab rigs, can be expensive, however, some options are affordable such as hand pipes. Before you decide to invest in cannabis accessories, you should always conduct some independent research to ensure that you invest in good-quality products. To determine which accessory suits your needs, first, ask yourself if you want something for home use or something portable for on-the-go used. You must also determine if you are looking for an accessory to consume concentrates or dry herbs. This will further help you narrow your options down.

What are the benefits of using cannabis accessories?

Cannabis accessories are very beneficial and are designed to help you consume cannabis more comfortably and efficiently. Some accessories also incorporate technology that enhances the flavor and aroma of whatever cannabis strain you are consuming. Accessories also make it easier to share cannabis with friends, with many accessories, such as bongs, being popular devices for social settings. Some devices are also specifically designed to serve a purpose such as medicating with cannabis or aromatherapy. Overall, cannabis accessories can be used to enhance your experience when consuming cannabis which makes these a great investment for cannabis enthusiasts. You'll even find that with certain devices such as bongs and vapes, you are required to use much less cannabis per session which allows you to save weed and money long term.

Where can you buy them and what are the prices like?

You will find all sorts of cannabis accessories available for purchase including the following:

  • Bongs
  • Vaporizers
  • Dab rigs
  • Hand pipes
  • Bubblers
  • Grinders/crushers

Prices range per product however, you can expect to pay anywhere from $5 - $20 for a bong, $50 - $200 for a vaporizer, affordable dab rigs from $10 - $50, $10 - $25 for a hand pipe, $10 - $200 for bubblers and around $36 for a weed grinder. A great tip when buying cannabis accessories is to not be afraid to spend a bit extra on an accessory. This is because pricier items are more durable which makes them last much longer than a cheap item that can easily break and will need to constantly be replaced. With bongs, lab-grade borosilicate glass is considered high grade and more durable than regular glass and you can typically find dab rigs, hand pipes, and bubblers made from this same material as well. Avoid plastic wherever possible.

If you're a new cannabis consumer, you should know that the cannabis industry is an exciting place to explore. There are many consumption methods as well as cannabis accessories that can make your experience more convenient, fun, and efficient. Whether you are looking for an accessory to enable you to consume on the go, or even one that will enable you to easily share your cannabis in a social setting, you are sure to find an accessory to suit any need that you might have. Some accessories also provide a healthier and safer way to consume compared to traditional joints which produce harmful combustion.